Auction House [Feedback]

I get the benefits the recent changes to the AH are trying to accomplish - but after trying things out, I think the values/limits used to initiate the throttling need to be adjusted. Here are some reasons why:

Casual Crafters (especially those with dual professions):
The current limits impact casual crafters with dual professions even if they only list their stock once a day.

With crafted gear having 6 suffixes/versions a PIECE - that already puts the number of items at 36. But posting these 36 items actually takes 72 actions because you have to search each of those items and then post each of them as well.

This doesn’t include all of the non-gear items like bags, follower equipment, drums, etc.

Now double all of that when a casual player has 2 crafting professions.

I’m not sure what the “reasonable expectation” Blizzard has for posting items - but in this case, posting even ONCE a day hits the limit and appears to affect players that aren’t the target for the change.

Transmog and pet sellers:
Even if these players are posting once a day - they’re likely posting hundreds of items and are getting impacted when they’re not the “greedy goblins” targeted for the changes. They’re just in a market that naturally can have hundreds of items to work with - which btw, already has a hefty overhead cost with deposit values.

The current changes definitely seem to impact more people that the targeted players.

Making only posting actions count towards the limit will help - but still won’t fix the full problems being experienced.

Increasing the values makes sense - but it would be nice to have some transparency and understand what Blizzard thinks is “reasonable” especially for casual players that have 2 crafting professions - but even more so for the xmog/pet sellers.

Another option all together would be to revert these changes and instead, have a delay between when you cancel an auction and when you get it in the mail.

That will slow down all the greedy goblins that are cancel/posting non-stop throughout the day - but won’t impact the players that post once a day in large volume.

Players with multiple crafting toons are impacted even worse - even if they never cancel their auctions.

I’m glad you called out the xmog and pet sellers. Xmog is huge for some people:

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THis has been popping up as a suggestion in other threads. Seems like a better way to approach the problem.