Auction house changes, yay or nah?

Get rid of the LIFO system. You did this to yourself with this one ridiculous change. Let undercutting come back and there is no reason to list, watch, delist and relist at the same price to stay as the last one in the pile. If someone wants to relist at a lower price, at least the buyer saves a few copper or silver.


Once again is a proactive system the best system to use Blizz? Why not a reactive system that kicks in when someone is spamming a crapton of queries a second for multiple minutes? Wouldn’t that allow the hobbyists who sell lots of mats/potions/glyphs/ect. or the legacy transmog sellers not be affected by such a change while putting the screws to those that sit their all day and snipe/spam the AH with queries?

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Here is some feedback from a player who has been with you since release day in 2004.

This is an idiotic change that hurts many more people than it helps.

I spend most of my time in the game nowadays farming old content for transmog and other items to sell on the AH. I don’t use fancy tricks, etc. I don’t sit there sniping items all day. I don’t constantly cancel and repost (I hardly ever cancel any auctions since I have so many anyway).

I have THOUSANDS of items for sale though at any time since I love this game and (used to, now?) love farming old content. I’m on a low-population server—Ravenholdt—and I’m basically the only person listing most of the server’s transmog items. I’ve had MANY players contact me specifically asking if I’ve found X item that they’re looking for because they know if anybody has something like that up for sale on Ravenholdt, it’s probably me.

Even with TSM—an addon I love—a typical day BEFORE this change involved spending upwards of 2 hours just posting and/or reposting items. The auction house has ALWAYS been slow and primitive in WoW. But TSM made it bearable enough.

Now this throttling has reduced my posts to an utter crawl. Scanning and posting takes AGES. It took me multiple minutes to post just about a 100 items this morning, which is absurd. I’m dreading tomorrow when most of my auctions—which I set for 48 hours because, like I said, I hate cancelling and reposting takes forever anyway even before this change—are coming back then.

Transmog is not a “fast” seller because it relies on a certain player wanting to buy a certain item. It can be profitable when that item finally sells. But it requires reposting the item for many days in a row before that one player comes along to buy it.

All this change does is make me want to play the game less. I enjoy farming old content. I enjoy selling items. I get a lot of fun out of making gold and adding value to my server community by finding and selling items that most people lack the time to find.

But this change is so extremely painful, and posting is SO SLOW, that it’s made an already obnoxiously-slow auction house experience a million times worse. This is in no way hyperbole. I simply see little to no reason to waste my time if I cannot post items at a speed fast enough to allow me at least an hour or so to, you know, actually play the game instead of waiting for an INVISIBLE THROTTLE TIMER in the auction house all day long.

I rarely get annoyed by anything in WoW. I’ve always loved this game, since release. But this change literally destroys, by adding an invisible throttling timer that is obnoxiously long, what I still enjoy doing in the game: farming items and selling them on the auction house.

That’s my feedback. Hope you will listen and revert this insanity.



Yesterday the Brazillian and some US Realms WHICH ARE HOSTED IN THE SAME DATACENTER, Started lagging and delaying BADLY after said patch, and possibly because of the AH service chugging the entire band.

Why don’t you guys FOR ONCE go full Rambo on the botters + Multiboxers as ZoS did in ESO and Jagex did with OSRS?

Find some way that doesn’t punish your avg gold maker, the ones that DON’T cancel/post all day long.

There’s no reason we should be punished for spending 2-5 hours farming up mats to sell, or make into items to sell, or farming up things like mounts, and transmog, all to sell to people who don’t want to spend their time doing that.

It’s good to try to target the cancel/posters but putting a limit on EVERYTHING isn’t the way to do it. A very good change for most of your avg gold makers would just be to put a limit on canceling, not scanning or posting as canceling is the real problem. They’re CONSTANTLY scanning to cancel.


I tried to be constructive and detailed here:

However, I also mentioned another option: Delay when cancelling.

Would this be a possible alternate option to address the issue? Or are the dev’s set on the throttling approach?

The reason I ask is that it seems like this would address the impact to the players not targeted, but impacted while only impacting the targeted greedy goblins.

Also - could we understand what “reasonable expecations” the devs have for the number of posts/searches players “should” be making? (especially with dual crafters and xmog/pet sellers in mind)


I am all for reducing the effectiveness of auction house add-ons. Not very realistic to have players or bots scanning the AH constantly day and night. Playing the auction house should require a little more effort. I am not sure if this change does that, but it would be nice to end up there.

It wouldn’t be a little more effort… it’d equate to me getting from Pandaria to Northrend while RP walking. Addons have been a thing for many years that streamline the process, that which even the current UI does horribly.

But of course. Inconvenience the rest so that you are content with yourself about your delusional perspective.


Fun had been detected, so hotfix was implemented.


I know it was slow FOR ME but I liked the days of pretty stacking.

That what this change does. You can execute X queries per Y time without running into issues. If you exceed that, you get throttled. The numbers might not be where you want them but it’s functionally what’s happening.

Yeah the change does seem to go far beyond the intended users/abusers.

If you’re canceling/posting every minute - then yeah, this is obnoxious.

But if you’re just posting a full stock of items once a day - this is just normal profession activity. But these players are also getting hit with the change.

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Fixed it for you. Question solved.

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Seems like a positive change, but from how the blue people posted it seems like the people using the add-on should be banned for a long time if not permanently. If Players can’t use third party software to click buttons for them then they shouldnt have third party systems (add-ons) making all their AH business. If you aren’t doing it your self there and physically in person with your time then you need to be cut. If you’re doing this all by yourself on your own time then nothing should happen to ya.

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Yea the throttle sucks. It sucks for my pet battle and transmog sellers… not to mention those that sell a bunch of 1 stack armors. This really is not fun. I don’t understand why the need to artificially throttle the auction house especially without any in-game notification of such things.


You do have to be physically there… in person… with your items…

All the addons do is fill in the price.


No one asked for timegated AH, get rid of it!


Even with the increased throttle ceiling, managing my auctions is miserable. I have about 1500 unique items–all from crafting–all from previous expansions. It’s taking me significantly longer to do my normal AH operations. I don’t see this as being a sustainable change for me. I’ve been staying subbed during content lulls because I could still have fun crafting goods and selling them, but at this rate I don’t see myself sticking around once my guild downs M N’zoth. It’s really disappointing. Selling things on the AH used to be one of my favorite activities. Now it just feels like a chore.


Absolutely… since it counts interactions. So I’m not surprised with the change since it’s Blizzard’s M/O. But even just fiddling with a few items made me hit the throttle. Not a fun experience.

Samadanplayswow did a video recently… where it was a before/after. It took him 20 minutes for 157 items or so. While 250+ items went for 10 minutes on the before portion where he was able to cancel/scan and post all while the 157 was still cancel scanning.

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This says it all right here.

NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS. So why are the developers breaking things instead of, you know, fixing the actual problems of lag and whatnot by improving the servers or finding some other solution besides actively hurting their players? Seriously!