Auction house changes, yay or nah?

To people saying this is to force more people to buy wow tokens, I don’t think this is the intended purpose. In fact, I think if it remains this heavy handed it will do the exact opposite. Heavy auction house users buy up a lot of tokens, increasing the demand and thereby the gold per token value. If those users are driven away, then the value of a token drops resulting in them being less appealing to buy to the casual masses.

Exactly! Blizzard are making a money grab.

  1. Creates more income for blizzard.
  2. Several new accounts = more income for blizzard.
  3. Prices go up, people need more gold, they buy more tokens = more income for blizzard.

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is to “improve the game experience for the players”

While that’s true statement, you are implying all heavy AH users are just flipping. That’s not the case. Most only engage in some flipping once in awhile, if ever. While there may be a few players out there who focus only on flipping, that is only a smaller subset of a small subset of a community.

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My husband said something to this effect too. There were so many better ways to go about this.

This is genuinely the dumbest, scummiest low I’ve genuinely ever seen blizzard. It’s so genuinely clear what their true intent of throttling the AH has been. “haha buy token only one post, me no throttle it haha, you’ll be one step closer to mount” I literally sat on the exodar to avoid AH “lag” in populated cities and now they do this. I’m unsubbed. I’m truly over this money grubbing company. I had 0 Transmog, Glyphs, Pots two months ago but today I’m 2.5 mill gold closer to my longboy, with 6 separate posting toons for various sales so I can track what I need to restock. Now they put a giant wall in the way. I refuse to sit in the exodar for just over 3 hours just to post my transmog, not cancel, post. Not to mention the other 1000 odd posts of old and current mats, materials, glyphs, mounts, recipes. This one tiny change has completely obliterated my game experience. I’m unsubbed until this is fixed, and with blizzards capacity to listen to the player base, looks like I wont be back till SL.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language.

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I think a better idea in implementing a fix for the bogged down AH would be to possibly set a cancel limit to maybe once per hour/few hours per item. And maybe even put an end to sniping? Personally I feel the main issue with the AH is the people on full pop realms camping AH to cancel scan over and over again. If people were capped per hour, who’s to say they wouldn’t just forget dealing with it that way and just post every 12, 24, or 48 hours according to what they set their post time to? Just a thought.

Except if the sellers stop playing because Blizz made it too much of a pain to post their auctions and less people are buying tokens for gold, then the gold price of the token drops and less people are willing to pay cash for the tokens.

Good riddance

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So would this effect me posting my 300+ transmog items I relist every few days? That’s not exactly abusing the system, but i do use an addon to post them faster.

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Maybe add a longer posting time… I have transmog guy with like 300 items and more to sell… this punishes me whenever I choose to post even further then those auction house cuts.

I say No. I would definitely say I am NOT in the top 10% of AH users even on my server. I just craft pvp gear and other items needed with professions and post them. This limited me after 12-13 auctions… that is ridiculous. If you craft any of the current PvP stuff that is easily more than that. What a really stupid idea this was.

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Nah - I think the throttling is overtuned and is kicking in without even using addons really.

Meh. I don’t care about this change. It doesn’t affect me and sounds like it doesn’t affect the 99% of you. If it helps me unload my crap better because all the people with addons have a hard time, even better.

Most of my play time involves crafting consumables and cosmetics to sell on the AH right now. Sometimes I’ll get into a kick doing PvE/PvP/pet battles, but currently most of my time is spent making gold by crafting. I currently have hundreds of transmog items, glyphs, etc. that I crafted myself that I now cannot list on the auction house because of this change.

I had planned to start Shadowlands by gathering and crafting while everyone else was busy leveling, as I don’t currently have any ambitions to get ahead in PvE next expansion. If this change remains I see no reason to remain subbed, and I see no reason to pull my hair out trying to get these items listed to be available for people on my server to buy; for a lot of these items I’m the only one posting them, so I guess people who want these things will have to figure it out for themselves.


So this is my experience with the new “budget”.
the way I earn gold is simple: i have 6 toon’s at 120lvl, so i have every profession at its max lvl too.
I do craft uncanny 400 gear from every profession, which net me around 480 to 600 different itens.
when I do my ‘post scan’ i can only post 30 of my 480-600 uncanny gear.
will i ever cancel scan those ? NOP, ill never cancel scan, filling up the AH with stuff, waiting for it to expires, and just keep posting and instacutting everyone, because i have 10 of each piece of unccany gear.
im messed up, yeah im messed up, BUT, will I stop insta cut ? NOP, i wont. the avg player still wont sell.
PLUS, now that i know that blizz think this is an ‘QOL hotfix’ ill just make sure to do everything i can to make avg players life even harder.

[Moderator Note: This post was edited to remove language that violates the forum code of conduct]

Just wanted to note here that we’ve been following threads like this one closely, looking for feedback that leads us to tuning adjustments on the throttle, and we’ve already tested something like a dozen tuning adjustments.

What we’re looking for the most is detailed feedback on your experiences in the AH recently. We really appreciate everyone who’s taken the time to share their specifics.

One of those posts by a player yesterday gave us a clue about a bug we’ve been wanting to fix – the spinny yellow “wait” circle sometimes appearing when it shouldn’t. A software engineer was able to write a fix for that bug, which we’ll hopefully be able to implement into the game later.

Again – thank you!


Blizzard, stop making stupid knee jerk reactions that aren’t tested to things that are barely a problem. Just look at your spite trinket nerf and un-nerf over the last 2 weeks. You don’t think, you just act and break stuff. You have internal testing and ptr for a reason. You have lines of communication with your player base for a reason. Use them.


Brilliant, now if you could just remove it and get the engineers to actually just deal with the same amount of quires that they had to deal with back a year ago that would be sweet.

Thanks for the feed back though, I’m glad to know you guys are atleast watching these threads Please just give me my 2-3 hours back per day -_-


I’ll give specifics when specifics are warranted.
You guys are simply putting your head in the sand, saying ‘‘this is what we did’’ and aren’t remotely considering that perhaps this isn’t the route to take for whatever server specific issue you are having.


I wish i could provide you with “Detailed feedback on my experience in the AH”, but all i can say is i left my game running while tabbed out and watching youtube videos.

Thats how you use the auction with this arbitrary change.

I am not able to log off. i am not able to leave the auction until i finished posting everything i needed. Not able to actually play the game.