Auction House Bots problem and solutions

Yea but that’s what’s good about the bots. You get paid instantly. You don’t HAVE sell your items at the listed value. This is literally the definition of a free market which is exactly what it should be.

But that’s MY choice…lol.

Sure, so keep losing money I guess.

My point is you’re not pulling one over on the botters or hurting their bottom line.

I’m not losing anything. Lol…I farmed. I got paid what I wanted. Nothing wrong here. At all.


I’m not trying to…do you walk into Walmart thinking your gonna hurt them by paying them? Wtf are we even talking about.

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I dunno I guess I lost the point. Complaining about AH botters is just… dumb. I got mixed up here somewhere I guess.

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I agree with this. If you got the price that you wanted, then good for you! Gold is easy to come by in this game, so it’s ok if things don’t sell at max price at all times.

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Exactly. It’s called an open market. It’s works very well…people are just lazy and don’t wanna farm anything so the little gold they get from questing or whatever isn’t enough …do some work…make some gold. Really. It’s nice right now leave it alone. Lol


PLEASE YES!!! If they’re buying them to craft and sell, fine.


I’m one of the ones who do the bait postings to get your stuff cheap and I’ll be first in line to say that something needs to be changed with the auction house to make it harder for me to do that kind of crap

Absolutely agree while I’ve made a lot of gold off the auction house with baiting and flipping it is something that needs to be controlled a little better because I didn’t realize how much damage they’re doing to the auction house as a whole until I started looking at some of the old classic era mats being flipped.

Combining the auction house may have been the worst idea ever because now all of those flippers are all in one auction house instead of being spread out over a few of them and the Richer they get the more they’re flipping

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a surprising number of people think that every item has a “correct” price and that that price happens to coincide with whatever price they think it should be. it’s bizarre!

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I still don’t understand what led to this change they’ve made at the end of BfA. They probably didn’t want to deal with all the reports anymore and wanted players to put more effort in reporting others. But since then it’s been a real pain to report actual AH bots who are hiding in some Booty Bay phase or in a garrison. You can only report bots if you have them as target, it’s so silly.
There’s one AH bot on my realm sitting in Dornogal with the most cheap and obvious botting pattern and I haven’t been able to report him so far because he always seems to be in another shard.
(Explanation what I mean with the ‘obvious pattern’: Logging on exactly every 5 minutes to repost the same 4 different items, logging off, repeat - the whole day.)

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That’s bs and you know it. It autofills several fields like currency amount. It is an automation program.

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that’s not an “action” in the game.

It is automation by any definition you care to use. It gives you an unfair advantage over someone who enters that info on all their sales. No one would be baiting and sniping if they had to do that part manually.

Also the malignant folks behind the scenes behaviour to silence anyone who complains.


except blizzard’s definition. and since theirs is the one that matters, we’ll go with that.

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Okay but it is disingenuous to say it isn’t automation and botting because it is. You use an addon to gain an unfair advantage over others. Just like a kickbot in pvp.


no, it’s literally not. if it were, blizzard would have broken it or banned people for using it. do you think they don’t know about TSM? i promise, they do.

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Cool, so we’re back to me taking 2-3 hours posting my transmog, which means that I’m vendoring all my transmog and now the few remaining transmog items on the AH will be worth millions instead of a few thousand.

Brilliant way to destroy the market out of fear of bots.

And some people sit around the AH and play the market, prove they’re not a bot.