Auction House Bots problem and solutions

Like I said before it is too lucrative as in folks make real money selling their gold. I suspect a cadre of ‘connected’ folks who have inside assistance and they are sanctioned bots with blizz looking the other way as they rake it in.

You should absolutely be actioned. It breaks my ability to purchase mats because everyone is jumping on your lower prices or the people who get tricked/cheated by you. You cannot select to not buy mats by price so you can avoid the sometimes 15 minutes+ of being unable to buy things because everyone that does your nonsense.

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No. That’s just a bad idea. The only people this helps are people that spend time flipping on the auction house. All this will do is bring in a pre auction house RuneScape style thing, flooding the chat.

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The AH is in a terrible spot right now,

I used to sell transmogs on my realm, but then we were connected with a bot haven so to speak. Three Goblins undercut everything I post within seconds, it has become impossible to make a living out of the AH, so to speak. Stuff that went for 100k before, is now at 5k and it´s not selling at all.

In my opinion, they need to take down the AH addons, add a maximum of items you can post a day and make them bound to your account if you buy something.

I seldom sell mats, but they still sell within minutes. But the transmog market has been destroyed for me by TSM and Co. If you consider how long it can take to get a valuable transmog item, then it is nothing but a mess to see it sit for months because of the Goblins and their automation tools.


okay, so we’re in full-on conspiracy mode here.

lol. Why would that be actionable?

People are making 6 figure incomes right now, I was curious so I did a little research.

did any of your research support your theory? or was it just “some people make good money selling gold, so blizzard must be involved too”?

Do your own work. I’ve already said enough.

okay, so that’s a no. have a great day! :slight_smile:

Yes I just said no to being baited into the kind of info that gets accounts deleted.

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To be fair, this is basically how combat systems work too.

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“i have proof but you just have to trust me”


All you did was post single sentence madman ramblings. You have no idea how any of this works.

Bots aren’t the problem. Insider goblins conspiring with Blizzard aren’t the problem. (wtflol)

The problem is simply that you fail to realize that the auction house is a PvP arena, and you just need to get good. If you keep blindly walking up to the Auctioneer and treating it like a vendor NPC, you’re going to keep getting metaphorically stun locked and bursted down like the noob that you are.


Lol. The bots are absolutely real. There isn’t anyway it’s not automated when 100% of my stuff sells literally before I’m done posting it. I guess I feel bad for the transmog person…but I mean there’s a boatload of ways to make gold…who honestly cares if some people are making millions I still fail to see how that affects anyones actual game time. If these botters priced people out then the ah would be dead. If you wanna kill the botters on the ah be ready to have it…A LOT WORSE!

there are ah bots…yes, but a lot of you seem to fail to understand that those ah bots are also gathering bots. A majority of the stuff you see being bought and sold is bots. It’s why it works and it’s why we all have gold. If the ah was truly driven by the players we would see nothing on it…something has to set these prices. It’s…an open market. There’s nothing wrong with it. Go out in the world and farm some stuff. The way you were intended to do.

Also…people buy tokens. People are lazy. Anyone who has ever bought a token has absolutely no right to be complaining about bots. I personally won’t ever buy a token and I’m absolutely loving the bots handing me all this gold. The ah is full…the market is booming and everyone has gold. Stop complaining just to complain. Really.

Do you realize the entire NA region shares that Bismuth pool you just posted in? With 7.5M active subscriptions, there’s a pretty high chance one of them are currently buying the lowest price Bismuth on the market at any given moment. This is especially true when you unwittingly undercut the market value.


It’s not just bismuth. Literally 100% of the items I put up sell instantly. List for 1 gold under the first listed item in the column. Instantly sold. That’s not a human.

that hasn’t been my experience at all. it sounds like you’re listing trade goods, which are bought by humans all the time.

Mostly trade good yes. I don’t usually sell armor and stuff but the greens I’ve been collecting all sell right away. I don’t mess with a lot of other stuff because I’ve made several hundred thousand gold just doing this. I’m sure if I started messing with other stuff I could make even more.

there are thousands of people looking for each of those items at any given second. those are people.

most bots would not be set to insta-snipe things that are only 1g below the ‘usual’ price – there’s no money in that, even in volume.