Auction House Bots problem and solutions

I get bored too easy to sit all day running auctionator scans but whatever floats their boat. I understand there are people who play games where you roll dice and do math and think that’s fun. If at any time Blizz doesn’t want the AH add-ons anymore they can remove the API for them.

I just assumed it was all the people using AH add-ons multiplied by the AH being global now.

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Please for reason’s sake just make it so that if you post-cancel at an obscene rate, it will warn you that you can’t cancel auctions for a while and then not let you cancel auctions for an hour.

Wait until you find out you don’t even need to undercut them and you can make more gold by matching the price of the 2nd-5th item up the list and it still sells instantly.


Bots aren’t always scanning the AH. Someone listed 35 Simply Stitched Reagent bags at one silver each. It took me a while, buying them one at a time, but I was able to buy all of them. I resold them for 100g each, so that was fun.

I do agree with the idea of a delay though, both buying and selling. That makes things fair for everyone.

I shall try this tonight. Ty.

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Bots have nothing to do with it. People enjoy playing the economies as much as others enjoy PvP.

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Just look at the total item count, if there are a bunch of 1-100 stack items for sale bypass those and match the one cheaper than something with 1000+ items.

The bots seem to snatch up anything below that price.

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But…what isn’t fair? The market is dictated by the players. If I go out and collect 10 ore…and I take it to the ah…I sell it for 15g a piece. I’ve made 150 gold. Now…someone goes back and buys it and relists it for 16 gold. That person is entitled to that extra gold for doing that work. And …I still have my gold and other people can buy ore. This…is called a market. It’s the way it’s supposed to work why are people even upset here?

If you’re too bothered to farm the mats…you’re gonna have to pay for them. I am seriously just not understanding any reason for complaints here.


The auction house should serve the players, to allow them to exchange goods.
People playing the auction house mini-game to herd gold cap after gold cap should be banned from the game.

Like they used to be in the past, and it was great to see those people complaining they were just banned because “well I bought everything cheap and sold everything very expensive”.


Hammer Banning GIF by SEIZON


I think the problem is people using software (?) to buy items faster than someone can naturally click on it. A delay would prevent that.

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What good would the delay do? The items are still gonna be sitting there bought by the same people for the same prices they are right now.

Except they fixed that Expacs ago. 1 click, 1 action in TSM now. Unless they reverted that, and while I do not know, I can’t imagine they would.

Make everything you buy in the Auction house warbound :slight_smile:

No more flippers!

Some of ya’ll are really understanding.

The bots post a single, popular item drastically under the regular price, like a Bismuth for 10g. People right click > sell and get baited into selling it at that price.

The people who are selling it like that probably don’t actually care or they’d pay attention. The people suggesting selling it for 1g cheaper don’t really understand what OP is complaining about, that they can’t also take advantage of people selling things under market.

And just FYI AH botters have been around fooooorrreeeevvveeerrr.


Huh? Ban people for using the game market. Ok…am I in the twilight zone?

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If they are taking a risk or have to wait for a sale, yes. If a bot is doing it all for them and they don’t press buttons, there is no extra work involved. Especially if they exploit the fact that the bot can bait list and is quicker than any human so it doesn’t have to risk actually selling for that lower price. It can only profit when people match that price, and buy the item at way under market value.

I’ve seen that. You have to be FAST to get in on those cheap auctions.

The game is World of Warcraft.

People manipulating the economy make the game WORSE for everyone.

Blizzard historically banned these players.
It is time to revisit this and start banning again.

Or change the AH behavior.
Make commodities / crafting materials warbound when BOUGHT.

It has to end.


What! If I sell something for 1 gold less and it instantly gets purchased than the market has already been set. They aren’t undercutting items to set a price the price is listed when I go to sell. There is no price fixing here … It’s simply market value.

Bud your stack gets bought out and the market resets immediately back to the other 2k+ listed at the more expensive price. Your logic is flawed. You could sell it at the same price everyone else has it listed at, you just might have to wait until you actually get out of the AH before it sells.

The only person losing money in this situation is you.