Auction house abuse


The auction house is the true PvP.

Also, TSM allows you to ignore certain character’s auctions.

That’s why you have an AH alt, and name it something inflammatory, like goldninja.

Someone from the NoChanges crowd will always mind. But I think/hope Blizzard learned to not listen to them with TBC. The Doomsayers worst fears of a slippery slope towards monetization has already been realized anyway. I don’t see a problem with fixing something in the game that a seemingly large amount of people use an add-on to circumvent or make less of an annoyance anyway. Health on Mobs, the clunky AH, Auto Dismount, and so on.

Except that for people that don’t use addons its sorted by bid price, so the people that spam single items have a low bid but higher buyout than items 10 pages later. I don’t mind buying single items if they are the lowest price, but you have to scroll 10 pages back just to check all the buyout prices. I would be happy if they added a sort by buyout price, then you can post singles all you want because the first page will definitely be the cheapest.

Did I say I was asking for this improvement? No I didn’t. I said I couldn’t see anyone actually minding if it was implemented.

Kindly don’t attribute things I didn’t say to my post.

Right, no one is asking for the modern AH, but I’d have a hard time complaining about it, if they put the modern AH into BC Classic because the modern AH is orders of magnitude better imo.

Shhh… you’re going to give away all the secrets of the AH. Next thing you know, you’ll be telling people that they make less money posting things for less than vendor price.

Jokes aside, yes I know it sorts by bid price by default, just undercut the bid price by a copper and all is well in the world.

I don’t post in singles either, I go through 10 pages of your single items to check for the lowest buyout and post my whole stack with a small undercut of the buyout price like a normal person.

golf glap Good for you? Would you like a cookie?

Are you ok? I’m just voicing my opinion saying people that post 500 single items make it extremely annoying for a lot of people and your solution is for everyone to do it, which would only make it worse and a much better thing would be a sort by buyout option.

Also you make a joke and then proceed to tell me something that everyone already knows as well but don’t do on purpose because they don’t like being scumbags, which I thought you would have already picked up on in this thread but guess not.


I have a law degree, my reading comprehension skills are fine.

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence!

Which diploma mill did you attend, son?

The University of Miami, still unsure if I actually want to practice and where if I do decide I want to haha—I don’t feel like taking three bar exams so I need to decide what state I actually want to live in.

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That’s okay.

We’ll use small words.



Yep. Not all retail changes were bad lol…

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Youre perfectly in your right to do so, but its obnoxious af, and I wish there was a way to ignore all of your posted items.

You can use a different addon. I use AUX personally. It seems to be much quicker, and (for me at least) much more intuitive. Of course, to each their own.

TSM lets you do this.

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That’s kind of the point. I know a lot of people don’t want to have to look past the 1st page so being the only option makes it more likely they’ll just buy from me. Also I try to keep my prices reasonable compared to the rest of the people selling the same items.

For anyone who missed it.


Use an addon like auctionator. If the AH was like retail it would never be a problem anyway.