ATVI Stock

I’m not sure. Among the under 25 demographic, who plays Blizzard games anymore? Aren’t they all playing mobile games like Farmland, Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox? Or Pokemon Go? Honestly I am so out of touch with young people now I have no idea.

Activision owns King, the company that made Candy Crush Saga and Bubble Witch. Activision also produces the Call of Duty games.

Blizzard’s performance is only a small piece of the equation.


I think it should fall even further like many other people are saying but I’m never good at seeing trends. For the stock to go up again I’m pretty certain BK has to stay but you never know what can happen. BK is like Steve Jobs. Activision is his baby and he was the driving force in getting the stock to all time high.

I only bought stock when it was 14 per share because I thought I could play it til I died, it used to be so addictive. It was better than becoming a penny slot player in Vegas! I’m still addicted but maybe it’s time to abolish Thanksgiving and go support indigenous casinos with my time instead…

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sounds like your stuck in the 2016-2017 era homie. most people have moved on, minecraft and roblox will always be big names though.

I’m stuck in 2005 when no one called each other homies

I am considering it. I wouldn’t take advice from people on a game forum about it though. Invest if it feels right to you and you believe in the product/company. If not, don’t. Investment is just gambling after all <3

feels bad. life moves on. plenty of young folks play games, even wow. though most I’ve met on wow are 2nd generation players, players that play because their parents always played the game. wow is pretty washed up ._.

Do not invest off feels, research it and look for earnings or potential earnings. Do your due diligence.

Investing is ALL about feels. Made heaps off of tesla and bitcoin off of feels. Saved tons by feeling out other companies and the inevitable drops from their actions and how I thought most people would react. Investing is often an intuitive thing. I’ve had friends lose thousands and they did their due diligence. I just invest when I look at a company and see they are doing things I wanna see in the future.

Do you think ACTI stock is down because of their product line up? Nah, it’s down because of feelings. People feel like the company is doing bad things, so they took their feelings and divested away from them. Had zero to do with their product line up.


Yeah imagine the way the people who invested in gamestop and amc are feeling now from investing in feelies.

Nah that was about hype. Those are just amateurs who can’t spot a pump and dump.

Edit: To be clear, I personally knew four friends who lost thousands on the AMC/Gamestop scam. I told them not to but they invested anyway. Investing into something cool is what the stock market is about. You believe in what said company is doing and their future. AMC/Gamestop weren’t doing cool things. Reddit was just scamming vulnerable people who don’t know how to invest properly.

Invested earlier today. The reality is it’s going to go back up. Companies like activision don’t crumble no matter what controversy happens. It will go back up.


But the Girls who Code refuse to do business with them! What if Microsoft buys them up and destroys them?!

To be fair, COD sucks right now too lol

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This will all blow over, watch. Nothing crazy is going to happen and I’m betting something major will be announced next month. Then everyone will wish they invested.

If the board has his support there is a plan in motion which will make them a lot of money.

Exactly this- the board aren’t supporting them out of ignorance. They didn’t get on the board or become billion/millionaires by being stupid. Dropping 37% in 6 months and still remaining confident means they know something.

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I feel like it’s bound to fall still :laughing:

Disclaimer: Not Financial or Investment Advice.

No, i Wouldn’t, even if the values are around Early 2020.

It’s already leveled out. Any further dips will be incremental. The only way you see another big dip is if another scandal comes to light. I expect the stock to bounce back when immortal drops. Granted, I don’t think immortal will be huge in the states, it’s going to do fine over seas.