Attunement to phase II to stop higher level bots

Seen this suggestion a few times floating around, the idea is simple enough.

Before players can start gaining experience they have to either complete BFD or perhaps an attunement quest, similar to raid attunements for raids in the past.

This would in return mean when bots get caught in a ban wave they would have to attune each time. This would hinder them greatly, while giving players a good classic experience even if they are “months behind.”


Why ? That would hurt Blizzards bottom line way too much.


Why do you care about their business, are you a shareholder?


Nope but I suspect they make money from bots and will never make any honest effort to deter bots.


Fantastic idea. Perhaps with a puzzle type thing to solve, requires a group, bunch of npcs to visit. Reward is a rune etc etc etc


Honestly, doesn’t even need to be complete BFD. Just require them to kill the 2nd boss lol. Bots wouldn’t be able to do it.


Grumman receives item ‘bottled bot tears.’

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The only upside to make it completing BFD is bots simply cant do raids.

Other than that its a negative. If you are coming into SoD in lets say, phase 3. Those people will have a very hard time finding 9 others who also want to do BFD. What if you want to make an Alt or reroll servers.

There is just to much potential for it negativly effecting honest players.

I dont like the idea of having an attunment to level for any other reason than to block bots.

Attuning for a raid is different as that is a test of skill and willingness when you are entering into a team that effects other people.


Blizzard has always disagreed with that mindset.


As for the same reason attunements were eventually phased out, this will hurt new players far more than it will hurt bots, who’ll just find another way to make gold.

New Players hitting a sudden “XP Wall” without any real information on why or how to fix it, will walk away.

Blizzard can fix the bots, but the playerbase relies on the bots to buy gold etc, so they’re more worried about losing customers who don’t want to play if they have work for their supper.

The sin, as always, is people.


A number of the bots I’ve seen only have one rune - the one from the level 2 quest from the class trainer.

A simple requirement to progress past level 25 would be to have say at least 6 runes (not hard).

They’d probably soon have the six easiest runes to get for the common classes they play (mage, rogue) - but this would also make them identifiable - just like now a search of level 20+ players with only 1 rune would likely reveal a number of bots.


This would lockout probably 90% of the player base from gaining exp.

It got phased out, in retail.

Let’s be honest here, how many ‘new’ players are in SoD anyways? Some of the classic players would argue the reason they are here instead of retail are because it lacks a lot of the QoL changes.

These theoretical new players can just simply play on retail, while us old farts get some lengthy attunement. Everyone wins! Except bots.

When it comes to Bots we are all shareholders, as they take resources away from legitimate players.

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I think they could do something very easy like, put five randomized buffs on a player, that can only be clicked off in a certain order, and while the buffs are on you, no mobs can be looted or xp earned. If you click off the wrong buff, all five buffs are put back on you. If you don’t remove the buffs within 60 seconds, you die and have your corpse sent to your hearth location. When you respawn, the buffs are immediately placed back on the character.

Make them private auras so nothing on the PC can see which is which buff, just a set of real eyeballs.

You’d mouseover the buffs to see which order to click them off. So very easy for a human, but effectively impossible for a bot.

The buffs would have to kill and hearth us otherwise some players would likely try to use it as a way to lock XP gain permanently. So with the kill and hearth, the bots would have to know where they were sent to and how to get back to where they were, but it wouldn’t matter because they would just get killed again before they could get anywhere.

The problem isn’t that they are taking resources out, but by putting more in. The sink can’t keep up!



looks at MSFT shares

Why yes. Yes I am.

But it’s still a bad idea. Because the bots would just amass in the “Phase 1” tier and never leave. Meanwhile, you’d have legit players spending HOURS trying to get into BFD to progress.

On top of that, you’d incentivize gatekeeping. Want to progress? 1.5k gold to enter this Progression BFD Run; “PR-BFD”. So not only are you required to cough up $15 to just log into the server. You then need to cough up thousands of gold to continue playing once you hit 25.

…guess where most will get that gold from. * hint: It won’t be legitimately. *

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Boosters are extremely easy to mute.

Also ouch as a Microsoft investor, it’s like they just made a massive purchase on your dime.

Binds on pickup is hard to sell when you can’t type into public channels.

No the problem is when you go to do a quest that requires you to kill 20 x of y, you go to the zone and see there are 20 bots and it takes you 2 hours to kill just 20 x.