Attunement to phase II to stop higher level bots

Why would you mute the people getting you to the next phase??? You said so yourself, “run BFD to continue playing”. If you mute those running the “get this stupid requirement done with quick” -service you’re being stubborn and stupid.

I’m fine with the purchase; +644.51% fine to be exact.

What “Binds on pickup”??? I never said anything about BoP items. I specifically stated that players looking to get through BFD would likely have to pay an insane gold fee. And that those not looking to spend even more time farming out that coin, would just turn to the gold sellers to buy the coin.

So the bot solution is too screw over casual players. I like it!


The bot problem is as old as the game itself. At this point the bots are so evolved, I’m sure whatever roadblock you put up will be fly hacked over.

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Just add the token already. Some players may not like it, but it really is the only truly effective solution as demonstrated over the past 20 years of fighting bots. Too many people want to buy gold, and if Blizz doesn’t offer a legit way to do so, they will turn to illegitimate ways.

No - adding 100 GMs dedicated to banning bots is not viable. Let’s say they hire 100 people allowing them to have 33 dedicated employees working at a time:

  • Minimum wage in California (Blizz HQ) is $16.50/hr. With wage burden (tax, benefits, office space, resources, etc.), that becomes a little over $32/hr per employee. Right there, it costs Blizzard $544,666 / month. That’s also dependent on them being able to find 100 people willing to work for minimum wage.
  • Average subs to offset additional employee costs: 36,978
  • People subbing just for SoD: only Blizz knows for sure, but I’ll be optimistic and say 100,000.
  • Sub loss risk for letting bots continue: maybe 2-5% of total SoD subs. Most people find them irksome, but won’t quit just because they exist. 5000 sub loss doesn’t come close to the business cost of hiring GMs. I’m fairly certain that there isn’t 650,000 subs just for SoD.

Adding an “attunement” that requires anything more than a quest (which bots will be able to do) will screw over casual players. I’d wager that casual players make up a vast majority of the player base across all versions, including SoD. Screwing them over will mean that there is no longer any financial viability for continuing SoD, and thus… bye bye SoD.

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I guarantee the bots would add completing the attunement quests or requirements into their scripts. Gotta get X runes, automate it. BFD? Bot raids.

How about when you hit 25 an in game CAPCHA pops up for you to quickly solve and be on your way, the fact it’s never the same means it would actively hurt bots as they get stuck on it, meaning the bitter would have to go solve it every single time, and it could include a timeout for multiple failures.

You got to report them for blizzard to be alerted to them. I have mad my share of your reports have lead to actions letters. Do a /who and pick em off.

Never had to pay someone gold to run anything. How am I not alone in this? Is retail really that bad?

You think gold farmers cant finish a 10 man raid? You would instantly eliminate every solo player in the world, and I bet there are more of them than there are raiders, and it wouldn’t even slow down the gold farmers.

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lol why not just put a captcha in after every loading screen at this point

Wonder what a bot raid would even look like. Jank as can be, or would it be like this picture perfect choreography where no one stepped in fire, no abilities were wasted, like an automated dance. I kinda wanna see now.

It’s inappropriate to share your sex fantasies here.

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Punish players due to bots. No thanks. Terrible idea.

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I hate the tiny ones, though.

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From pointing and laughing so hard.

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I don’t.

Would a hug help, friend?

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Ah okay, so they don’t want to spend the money on keeping them under control. That’s why they’re so bad.

Watching you get a timeout?

I’ll take it.

Issue is, there are a lot of legit players who haven’t cleared BFD or might struggle with an attunement quest, so you know what would happen? They would get carried by others, or people would sell carries, and those legit players plus the bots would use these services to get by this temporary roadblock.

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