Attunement for raid NOT gair

i’m 2985 follower exp away from 3000, and now I find out I cant raid with my guild tonight because there is an attunement that was listed about ahem NO WHERE? this really is unfair and I DEMAND an answer!

Why can’t you? I know you can’t walk in yourself, but I don’t think anything is stopping you from being summoned.

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The trader merlocs have an item that gives 150 follower rep today. Maybe do the trading and get that? Also, making demands is going to get you less than nowhere. Tip if you ever need customer support: they are way more willing to go out of their way to help you if you’re polite.

I asked this over a week ago and not a single reply from blizzard Unlocking The Eternal Palace you can see many people confirming it’s true

can locks summon people in???

Yeah… Warlocks can summon you into a raid

There is also a summon stone outside of the raid itself…

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