<Attrition>, <Aion> and Vanilla Staghelm

Sending a hello to those that may have been around during Vanilla/TBC on Staghelm. My sub ends on Saturday and wanted to make a post before that ability is taken away.

I re-subbed in the spring in an attempt to find old guildies and was able to reconnect with some of my best friends from Vanilla. It was wonderful to reminisce with old pals. I can't even begin to recollect the countless hours spent raiding, wiping and late night vent BS'ing, it was a wonderful time to play. There are many others from my time in <Aion> and <Attrition> who I hoped to connect with but no luck.

So, Urzhad, Kurokami, Pontificator, Rohir, Nicia, VX and any others from that time whom I may be forgetting, get in touch (Luthien #1632), leave a note. Every once in a while I check the forums to see if anyone is still kicking. I would love to hear what you've been up to all this time.

I was in Aion for the last 9 months of Vanilla, we merged with Attrition and became Vertex
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Vertex was Aion and Omicron. Attrition was just Attrition. (And Vengeance was just Vengance, no matter how badly they wanted to be Attrition.)
I was in Aion, though I wasn't able to raid much due to school/gf (who is now my wife) priorities. Was neat to be a part of something that was big back in the day though.

'member Not Suitable For Kids raiding Chillwind/various parts of Ashenvale and stuff? NSFK made world pvp fun...
Smelly Alliance. <3
We have Mur all that matters!
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/wave @ Vertex/Aion/Omicron peops

<3 Vang & Hateblade

I miss Montsegur :(
03/31/2017 07:03 PMPosted by Tonour

Seriously. Too bad he's smart and doesn't play this terrible game.
oh staghelm. i think of you from time to time!!
omg Tonour I actually remember that name. Miss the good old days (TBC for me)./
I raided with Vanquish in BC (Avelay) and really only remember two guilds back then. Reawaken and Gnomeland Security. TBH it was just Vanquish and Reawaken battling it out on the server for realm first titles. I really missed those days, really good players and competition and great content. Not this farming 24 hours a day BS like now. Had the greatest time in BC I would say and miss all the old guildes. Wonder if there are any of the old Vanquish guildes still on here. Let me see if I can remember some here. We had Zan (The Scarab Lord), Bullmax, Brokrap, Norgulzar, Noetikk, Malki, Dominos, Nan, Schopes, Arrith, Fishknuckles, Ayanmi, shayk, ellwin, shedari, cbear, iban

That is about all I can remember and I know I am missing a lot more. Great times great people and super dedicated and skilled. The Muru push pushed us all to our limit but we did it. Hopefully you are all still out there and maybe even playing.
Schoeps is bae.

Shoutout to Haterade, Urdaddy, Malk, Fish, Hamx, Grizzen, Sanchez, FATHERNATURE!!! <3 got me into druids, lots of names I forgot.

NSFK, Dark Fury, Rancid, Reawaken, Mass Casualty,
Man. Brings back some great memories. I transferred from Hellscream on my undead rogue, Onikage. Raided with Mass Casaulty. Some very memorable raiding times in BWL. /wave Hateblade

I recently came back and am playing Alliance and raiding with a rl friend and his guild on Proudmoore.
Radio Free Horde just had its 12th anniversary gathering this Saturday. Clan Plaid and USDA Choice are still around, too, last time I checked. I'm so effing old.
Buncha' nerds still paling around in here I see. <3 you all.

With the announcement of Classic WoW, you can bet that I'll be around. I fully intend to extend an invitation to anyone and everyone from the good old days to come hang out on a TBD server, as more information is fleshed out in the months to come about how WoWClassic will all work out.

I'll likely be dragging some old friends and new along for the ride, but however it fleshes out in the end, there will be good memories and plenty of stories to tell!
I look forward to fighting you in Astranaar, Hateblade.
06/15/2017 09:19 AMPosted by Avelay
I raided with Vanquish in BC (Avelay) and really only remember two guilds back then. Reawaken and Gnomeland Security. TBH it was just Vanquish and Reawaken battling it out on the server for realm first titles. I really missed those days, really good players and competition and great content. Not this farming 24 hours a day BS like now. Had the greatest time in BC I would say and miss all the old guildes. Wonder if there are any of the old Vanquish guildes still on here. Let me see if I can remember some here. We had Zan (The Scarab Lord), Bullmax, Brokrap, Norgulzar, Noetikk, Malki, Dominos, Nan, Schopes, Arrith, Fishknuckles, Ayanmi, shayk, ellwin, shedari, cbear, iban

That is about all I can remember and I know I am missing a lot more. Great times great people and super dedicated and skilled. The Muru push pushed us all to our limit but we did it. Hopefully you are all still out there and maybe even playing.

nah there was only Heaven's Judgement any others were just a bunch of smaller guilds lol! I was there (Hellbent or HB)near the beginning up to BC release. The silithus grind, the opening of the gates, the mad push into AQ burned me tf out, oh plus running a pvp Marshal group. The nail in the coffin for me was a certain no good nothing dwarf warrior stealing the gbuild resulting in our breakup. I was so depressed i remember LOL HJ and its guildies were almost family, i took great joy and pride being a member, we were straight bullies lol. Zan was our pally class leader. Gaara, Whodat, Urzhad and Azn were the warriors.

Then i went to Moonlight Shadow shortly before BC released.
I was an old Gnomeland Security guy, but I remember you guys dominating the raiding scene on our server. Cool to see some old faces.
anyone remember me? also ave nice job almost had name right its been forever. anyone still play? VQ!!!!
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