Attitude towards healers in PVP

Hi all,
I’ve played as a healer for nearly 19 years now. I’ve noticed in retail a lot of toxicity and grief towards heals lately.

This past week I’ve been threatened by BG chats for “mass reporting me for not healing enough” or “not healing FCs” when I’m consistently the top healer in the BG and doing my best while being tunneled by rouges, warriors, ele’s and boomkins across the map to chase DPS and FCs back and forth.

I really like healing. It’s my favorite thing in game and these kinds of interactions make me not want to heal in BGs anymore. I don’t understand where this new rise in hating on your healers is coming from or why people in our community think it’s okay to hate, report, and whisper toxic messages to their healers.


Okay, so, most dps have no idea what’s going on or where the healers are. If they’re alive then they’re happy. If they’re dead then they’re frantically pulling up meters for somebody to blame.

Always has been, etc. :dracthyr_love_animated: Just ignore/report if people are rude.

I haven’t so much noticed a rise in hostility, kind of the opposite actually it’s better than when I left in SLands, more a fall in peels.

Yeah, I’ve been healing in BGs for a long time but this week alone I’ve had to ignore 5 people from BGs and even left BGs because I’m not trying to have these interactions with my own teammates.
I don’t know if some streamer started this trend or if the retail community is just becoming more toxic.

It might just be pacing. See, if I use all my CDs on an enemy player then they’re usually going to die unless they use defensives. Just being near a healer often won’t save them unless the healer dedicates a “out”, like bop, sac, link, or notices early and dumps a ton of healing into them.

Basically passive play results in death.

A lot of people don’t understand this, and either don’t press anything and die OR push too far forward without their own “out”, get stunned/gripped and die.


There’s just more bad mood to go around in a fast kill meta. I think people treat me fine when I’m healing. It cracks me up how the people who yell at our team for doing bad will usually explain it’s the dps they’re addressing and not the healers they’re yelling at, I never saw that before. It’s all a healer could ever want.

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I know there are always trolls etc. but I never remember getting this much hate or lack of self reflection on dps not using their defensives, trinkets, running into bad fights. Just “report the healer” or harass me as the response lol

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Rdruid in particular isn’t very good with incompetent teammates when combat is volatile. You get your hots out on some people and if they’re not pressing their defensive buttons then they are just going to die and it’s often out of your hands. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Just chuckle if somebody has a meltdown that you “let them” die.


Just tell them they aren’t getting healed because you don’t heal people who don’t do damage.

Then watch to see how many excuses you can get out of them. It’s always the same lame excuses.

Or just come heal with me

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I had some guy rage at me for being my own top healed person in the BG a couple weeks ago. These people don’t know anything, I wouldn’t worry about it. lol


I try to peel for allies, especially healers, but often it feels too ineffectual. That’s why i wish the game was a little slower. Some specs just have so much burst and/or survivability.

[edit] Another thing i notice is newer or undergeared healers who die too fast to be helped…

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well as a BG healer myself, if one of these children mouth off in a BG, I just let them die.


try disabling chat, really helps

I do survive long enough, I’ll even kite the attackers to my team and they’ll ignore me. There appears to be 2 types of players now, one is super awesome while the other… I don’t know but I’ll get 8 or 9 of them in a 10 man and have fun healing that. Are they just new players, people trying out the new gearing system, people who give up after the 1st team fight, bots, or maybe a mix and other reasons I don’t realize? It’s safe for the other team to ignore them and focus on the people making a difference, I’ve seen them leave ineffectual healers alone because they’re such a non threat.

I’m not a good player but consider myself a good enough random BG hero. I need to start copying scoreboards, I’m not trying to brag but if the team relies on me to carry them I just can’t with this particular healer power balance.

I use a mod called “Global Ignore” and set it to expire ignores in 2 days. It adds ignore to right-click menus on unit frames.

Players who complain and insult in BGs will do that every match all match and seek out players to harass. I’m not a psychiatrist and don’t have time during a match to fill out Blizzard’s reporting system. I just mark them ignore with a click and don’t see their crazy for 2 days. All I see is the chaos they continue to cause everyone else.

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I’ll challenge them to do more than me and they usually either leave or step up. Win-win, I’ve seen those guys yelling at the team go from doing nothing to being wrecking balls. I don’t see the healer abuse but I see a lot of dps insulting other dps even when we’re decimating the other team. Sometimes the new healers will complain too, I just do the Picard meme. I’m too busy trying not to die, I’ll give a more detailed response once I’m in the GY and things slow down a bit.

Haha i had someone rage at me for healing myself as the #1 target as well.

Healing is love. That’s why Blizzard’s tuning to make pvp matches happen “faster” by making damage super bursty is a dagger in the heart of healers.


I feel this.
Like others said, we kinda have the perfect environment for everyone to get mad and point fingers. More deaths = more salt. Some games you just get damage who are undergeared or don’t pop defensives and just die no matter how hard you’re bombing heals onto them. I’ve been queueing as a healer less and less, even though I leveld one of each healer to max to at least run some casual BGs on.

If I’m doing non rated PvP (which I do a lot more of since sl. I stopped pushing for 2k and just kind of enjoying it a bit more) I usually bring guildies or friends and just have fun doing whatever. Instead of going farm lm and bs we or the usual …let’s go mines and then Push stables. So I end up healing my buddies more than pugs and haven’t had one complaint all season. Win a lot. But most importantly have fun. Healing is still easy in PvP. Dps don’t kill healers for one simple reason…you gotta kick and cc and stun them and that doesn’t do much for your scoreboard stats. Padding meters is more important than shutting down enemy healers. Some games I free cast at 30million heals and zero deaths. Candy from a baby

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