Attitude towards healers in PVP

being the top healer doesnt mean they’re effective heals

Ive seen a lot of healers pad meters to get high numbers by spamming lesser healing spells (ie Renew) which amount to a lot over time, yet still wont keep players alive


Same goes for DPS. Not naming names, but there’s a particular DPS I used to be on Discord with who would spend the whole match mic-spamming us with his numbers and posting the scoreboard. Whether we won or lost was completely irrelevant. It was mostly AOE spam at big fights, almost never at critical points on the map where we needed it.

I’m not a fan of look-at-me number generators unless our win is consistently related to those numbers.

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Ya but ur teams is dead and the healer is just self spamming heals standing in the enemy team it makes perfect sense.

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I am just curious about this Picard meme :slight_smile:

As for healer abuses, I just ignore them as they are not worth my time (right click, set to ignore). Also our scoreboard would shut them up where our healers are always top and opponent’s DPS dominates ours.

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If you search “Picard Meme” any of the top ones work but I was thinking face palm Picard. I get the top heal losses a lot, something to do with not enough dps for them to heal or I might be the only healer to their 3-4 so they have to split what’s available.

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Someone uses Renew?

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Lol I see! I didn’t know about that meme, thanks for the info :slight_smile:

I remembered reading a forum idea about adopting LFR queueing system when the match would only start when seats for all roles are filled. This would work for me because I don’t mind waiting to get a good match. Ah I am thinking of this being a new game mode, where the existing random can continue for point earners.

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We were winning. He kept running off solo and dying. Lol

if you are up against a good enemy team as a healer you will get focused.

healer = lightning rod

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Sounds like a winner!

Yeah not necessarily talking about you ofc, but some healers go down so fast you can’t really help them - in response to some saying they don’t get peels etc. And tbh it bothers me if some healers are going to say “I won’t heal that person because they aren’t pumping” because there is WAY more to winning a BG than damage and hk’s.

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I started in a different culture, this new one is foreign to me. I’m not like that at all, you can insult me or my family and I’ll still heal you. I find that bites harder than any insult but in a good way.

I find that applying damage and/or crowd control to the enemy players who are attacking our healers makes our healers happy. And happy healers means happy DPS.
The only time I really get annoyed with a healer is when they decide to sit at a base by themselves (like lighthouse) instead of going to help the team in a team fight. Even then, a simple “I got this, our team needs you” usually works. No need to be insulting to the healer who is just trying to keep themselves and me alive.

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It depends, if no one else sits then you’re kind of stuck. Had an eots, only 2 went to the same base and the rest went mid. We had 3 healers but I’d prefer if I’m base sitting I support mid but they were amassing across the way. I called for a defender so I could get a better position but no one paid attention to chat. The rogue came first, I called him and I was able to kite him to my team all the way to the other base and close by mid if anyone wanted to help there. I think the 2 guys on base were brb or soaking honor, essentially I was the only defense for our 2 bases.

Had a dps show up when we fought back the base we lost, right away they told me what you said, maybe it was you. I got this, go heal mid. We did well then got pushed back, I was in trouble and they ran up and peeled for me. Someone else went base sitting so we both went mid and almost pushed them back to their GY. Close loss, I’d resigned myself to losing early until you came along, if it was you.

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No idea if it was me, but glad to see others paying attention and helping out when needed. I do partly blame the battleground design though as when you think about it it’s quite silly to design the maps such that someone has to just stand by a flag all game while others get to go off and fight.
Still, for me I would rather help our team win.

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