ATTENTION BLIZZARD! No way to sort guild by "Last Online" anymore

I have a macro I made that does /guildroster when I click it

it opens up the old guild tab

It doesn’t work anymore. I prefer the old guild tab to the new one. With the new one, you can’t sort the guild roster to whoever was online last.

I hope I get an answer and this topic doesn’t just disappear without any replies.


Same here :frowning:


im so very salty about this! i dispise the “new” guild window and I also made a macro for it :frowning:

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nope the devs broke it on purpose.

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I’m annoyed by the lack of last online ordering, but otherwise the tab is ok… :man_shrugging:

I posted about this myself earlier today. If you’re trying to get a handle on what’s going on in your guild, it’s pretty essential to be able to see who has logged in recently. There were two different ways to do that, between the regular guild window and the /guildroster command. Now there are zero. Hope Blizz fixes this.

we gotta make more noise about this so the devs would at least know about this issue

I prefer the old one too, its easier to see who’s who and who’s online, who’s online but hiding “offline”…

Yea they’ve left us with no way to sort guild rosters by time offline which makes managing large guilds difficult.

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Not just “easier,” but it functionally works whereas the new UI does not. I wouldn’t mind the change if the new UI actually worked.


We need an official response from Blizzard or at least acknowledge that the issue exists.

They won’t even respond to this:

And it’s been there for years.