Attempted to use level 50 Character Boost and receiving "Internal Error."

I had two, level 50 character boosts that I’ve had from previous expansions (I never use them). So I decided to boost a character today if I liked trying it-

I did the trial character first just to try the class out and instead of it taking me to the shadowlands, it prompted me right to the dragonlands starting questline! Great right?
Except when the trial ended, and I decided to use the boost, I keep getting an “internal error” on the character screen.

I did everything from logging on and off and restarting bnet: I get the same popup error.
Could it be because the tokens are for level 50 character boosts, yet the trial sent me right to level 60? Please advise what I should do…

All boosts were boosted to 60 id try a full ui reset by renaming or deleting ur wtf cache and interface folders then try again.

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We did have an issue where the boosts weren’t able to be used on Class Trials, but last I heard that was fixed.

It may be that another similar bug is popping up, in which case, please submit a bug report so our QA team can take a look.

I don’t have a workaround that may allow you to use the boost on the Class Trial character, but you might be able to use the boost on a fresh character instead.

If you continue to have an issue, please submit a ticket under “Purchase Failure”. Support can’t fix the potential bug, but they may have other options.


Will do! I am going to try Darth’s suggestion and try clearing my wtf and interface folders first to see if that fixes it, but if not, I will be sure to put a ticket in.
My boosts are still showing as “Shadowlands boost to 50” which is fine; I don’t mind starting over; but I wish I would have known before starting a character trial only for the boost not to work on it


That should be what the Shadowlands boost (and the previous expansion boosts that were upgraded*) shows. I have never used a boost and the Shadowlands boost and the 3 previous ones all show 50 for me.

The most current one from Dragonflight shows level 60.


That is exactly how my boosts looks (the top image!)
I did a trial just to see if I would like playing a ret paly and was going to boost it if I did- was not aware that the trial starts you as a 60 now, however :expressionless:

I rather not restart the boosted character as I’ve already invested some gold and mats into it, but I will see what they say. Worse case, I might just buy the 60 boost; I just rather not.