on Myzrael sounds like what you’re looking for
Im interested in joining your guild on Ateish. Seems like a perfect fit for me. Pleas PM me or add
My retail guild will most likely be on Atiesh. Let’s see, best staff in vanilla vs a forgotten midrange quest boss… hmm…
Sounds right up my alley. I’ll be Horde Myzrael as well. Bringing a couple peeps with me. Older guys, no racing to 60, no drama. Just good fun. need PST raid times though because kids. Maybe I’ll see you there!
Not so forgotten in Classic. There will be a lot of people looking to form groups for her in Arathi once more.
For anyone looking for a Discord server for Myzrael (US - PvE | Pacific), here is the link: https: //discord .gg/TebvUg5 (remove the two spaces), or add me on Discord for an invite: Mxdarin#8826
Both Myzrael and Atiesh are showing some pretty significant faction imbalance in the early results from the demographic poll linked on the subreddit. Just how much does a faction imbalance affect a PvE server?
With a fraction in balance. I suppose it will be sort of like retail. The cross relam bgs will help. World PvP will be harder.
Good example is Kilrogg was highly favored alliance in vanilla. We had 15 minute ques for bgs at or at peak times and off times was 30 minutes or more. Where horde had better que times.
I don’t know which one to roll on which is looking better?
Proudmoore Pacific PVE is going Atiesh.
I chose Myzrael, mainly because I feared Atiesh would be listed first, which might lead to an overpopulated server. With so few servers, any slight difference to login queue length may make all the difference.
Why choose 1? Both!
My Alliance main is on Atiesh
My Horde main is on Myzrael
I picked Myzrael:)
We also have free cookies. Each time you fish, a cookie appears.
Myzrael Alliance, here! I’m bringing about seven friends with me, it should be a gay ole time!
I would question Pagle’s popularity…during signups all servers except 3 went to high pop with a que very quick but pagle stayed at low almost the entire time.
Gumberculeez- did you ever run a guild called Malice in vanilla?
Myzrael here.
I can spell it and pronounce it, I remember the questline and character it’s named after, and most importantly…
Atiesh is a mage staff. Ewww.
I went Atiesh with a couple of friends. Hopefully we can get into a more mature end game guild, looking forward to tanking again!
Good luck, I’ll see you guys online in two weeks,
I’ll try to find some A vs H numbers before committing. Dont want to be on another dead Horde server etc.