Atiesh vs. Myzrael for Pacific PvE

Pacific PvE players, which server are you choosing?

As Alliance, I am fond of the name Myzrael.

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Waiting to see which way the wind blows, and watching new guild announcements for one that suits me. Probably go to whichever server has a guild I like.
FWIW, someone please start a mature, laid back but competent guild on one of these servers.
Zero elitism, zero wowkiddies, good people enjoying their favorite MMO.


Definitely going to one of these…lol no clue which though. Will hopefully be starting a guild like the previous poster described. Successful yet fun and 18 + only. Myzrael will prolly be first choice.

Myzrael, my gf liked the sound of it better.

Im going to Myzrael. Will start a horde guild, not really recruting since server new.
Will have 5-7 coming with me.
We all played vanilla, cleared MC, BWL, zg, aq20, princess aq40, naxx 40 did about half before quit wow for a year.
We were on bronzebeard-eitrigg back then.

Also, we are not racing to 60, buy we will be there quick enough. Im still old fashioned with vent server, buy may switch to discord soon.


Neither! Join us on Pagle. We have fish.


I’m still trying to figure out which one to go to as well. I’m sure they well both fill up quickly.

bah. Everyone on Mankrik is single and looking for the ladies. It’s the dating server.


I’m going Myzrael Alliance! Can’t wait, cool server name :smiley:


Pagle? No way… If I was Eastern I’d roll with Mankrik! Might be the best name on the list.

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There is a Reddit survey on this very thing, pretty good info so far.

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Lol, i just picked Myzrael because it vaguely reminds me of Raziel and i LOVE the Legacy of Kain games.

It reminds me of Arathi Highlands for some weird reason.


I am waiting to get some more contact info, but I got a group that is most likely looking at Ateish. We are going alliance and most of us are older. We used to raid together during vanilla on Kilrogg.

We are not looking to be elitist or jerky. We do have a goal of pushing for farm status before the next raid comes out.


Myzrael in the lead?

Which ever one has the lowest population. Though that will hardly be feasible at the start to judge when the Classic goes live.

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If Pagle was a PvP server, I’d hope it would have full combat fishing PvP never seen the like in the history of World of Warcraft.

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Eastern servers are actually hosted in Chicago, so the ping shouldn’t be that bad (maybe 60-80 for most people). Pagle is growing pretty rapidly and is looking like the “premier” PvE server, so come join us there!

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You have my attention.

Do have a guild recruitment link here if you like to check it out.