The Salty Lads are a two day, 5 hour per week Alliance Mythic raiding guild on Sargeras currently looking for a few DPS players. We raid Wed/Thur, 7:15 - 9:45 PM Central (Server) Time. We finished Castle Nathria at 7/10 M after calling progression in early May. We’re currently 10/10 Heroic and 3/10 Mythic (hopefully 4/10 by the time you read this). If you’re looking for a mid tier mythic guild that still gets our kills with a lower time commitment and fun atmosphere, we may be the guild for you.
*We’re specifically looking for a Warlock.
We’re serious about our few hours of raid progression every week, but we don’t have any crazy gearing or time commitment requirements. Show up on time, know the fights, be reasonably geared, and give it your best for a few hours. We do ask that you be willing to receive (and occasionally offer) constructive criticism and feedback with a good attitude (or if that fails. . . blame the healers).
The guild has several players who consistently push higher M+ keys and we’ll always help guildies get their +15s done for the week. We have 5-6 dedicated Arena players who are always looking to get more people involved in PvP. This tier, we’re also running a Heroic only raid on Sundays at 4 pm server for people who aren’t interested in Mythic raiding or just aren’t there yet. We’ll also use that space to gear up alts and trial new raiders.
The strongest aspect of our guild is our community. We joke around and give each other crap, but we’re fundamentally an inclusive guild and I can honestly say we don’t have any toxic players. We don’t tolerate homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or racism, and we’re looking to recruit good players with good attitudes regardless of gender, race, politics, or anything else.
Non-lads welcome. We’re looking for any strong players, but Warlock is the specific area of need.
If you’re interested in joining the raid team and/or are just interested in the guild and community, you can message me in game (JonSnow #1942 B tag) or on Reddit (u/woodjt5) .