At what point does a stalker and creep get banned?


do you have them on ignore and dont reply to them? If you do and they keep bypassing just keep submitting ongoing harassment reports. The time outs will lead to band if they continue, if they then bypass the bans and create new accounts to keep the harassment up then report those too.
It also sounds trite but honestly, dont react to them and move on with your life, they are just pixels in the world. The more you react the longer they will keep going at it. They lose interest when you stop being reactive. Just report and move on.

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May i asks you do you know if you have ignored is tag name also? I know if you ignore a battle tag name usally its ignore the whole account bound I BELIEVE… i could be incorrect but i thought it worked that way… but blizz should actually do something about this or you may have to go beyond them and report it to the police and such… b/c stalking and harassing another player is wrong… Holdmypug I hope it all works out for you though… Good Luck… hope blizz does the job soon…

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You do need to be aware of while that may help block his messages - in terms of us being able to take action - addons that do this do NOT show to us as them being ignored.


Hello Orlyia

The main stalker’s names are on the game’s ignore list. But his army of other accounts and friends mostly aren’t because of the limitation. I’ve also disabled all third party data sharing. I opened a ticket again last night and it looks like it’s being investigated now. I’m hoping I can finally be free of this issue.

Thank you for being in this thread. :blush:


Then when contacted open a ticket with the new name contacting you. Along with the names of those you blocked. Under ongoing harrasment. When they contact you say nothing back to them, NOTHING. Do not reply in any way or your ticket will go no where.

Make sure you mention they are bypassing the ignore system and you wish to not have contact with this person or persons.