Posted this on reddit - felt it can apply here too…
…I mean they better be offering something up as a compromise to offset this stupid change (and don’t try to pander to me and say that consolidation is that compromise).
Some things they could do would be to allow us to use the flightmaster’s whistle in every zone and reduce the CD to 1 - 1.5 minutes. Give us more water walking mounts (or give me back my frickin dreadsteed water walking glyph) and more ways to get around easier . Maybe add back in a revamped guild perk like “have group, will travel” that makes it somewhat easier and less of people wanting to put a gun to their temple. Blizz NEEDS to step up and give the players something back - this constant take, take, take, middle finger cycle is getting pretty ridiculous.
“The world is so big now because we made it more difficult for you to get around, doesn’t that make you feel like you wanna play it more?”
No Blizzard, that’s not how that works. I’ve already stopped playing your game because you removed flight and made it more frustrating to travel around. Removing portals isn’t going to make that any better.
It’s like they’re trying to frustrate their players more by making it take longer to travel around to increase that time played metric. But all you’re doing is just frustrating players into not playing the game anymore.
Good luck with that.
Maybe they gonna remove the Caverns of Time from the game, 'eh?
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They removed the portals so that later on in a different expansion they can add them back as “”“new content”"".
So, low enough to count on one hand seeing as no one asked for flight to be taken away?
While I know it’s not the best alternative, you could always ask a mage to help you with some of those
Allow me to finish that sentence:
…if one is online when you need them.
Well everyone knows warlocks aren’t always available for raids, but without Have Group Will Travel that means warlocks are useful and I will always take one along
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Say Aehl are you trust level 3?
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I’m just surprised that both you and me made it is all lol please don’t take offence at that comment. I just think you and I from time to time can be a little…blunt when delivering our views
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The thing is, do we KNOW for a FACT they’re concentrating the portals? Or is this merely speculation that they’re moving the portals to a new location?
If there are FACTS, from Blues, stating they’re moving the portals, post links to them. Otherwise, all we know is “they’re removing QoL aspects from the game for no reason.”
Which is Never a Good Thing(tm pending).
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Um, what? This is all on the PTR right now. New portals rooms.
They fundamentally do not understand that a boring world isn’t made less boring by forcing players into it.
mysterium tremendum et fascinan
That which we are in awe of. That which is curious and mysterious. That which draws us like moths to a flame.
They really need to consider this as a design principle when making world content. A beautiful and mysterious AND DANGEROUS world. That’s what players are looking for and not finding currently.
I think and this is just my opinion, that they get rid of old game stuff to make room for new places. Maybe it’s in need of server space.
Takes two minutes NOW. They nerfed the encounter. Previously (and at 110) it could take a good 30-45 minutes, assuming you had some form of speed boost. If not, say hello to an hour or more.
This isn’t how it works. There’s absolutely no reason to remove the portals. They’re just doing it because someone is anal-retentive and has control issues, and likely in combination with the ever-important Time Played Metric. It’s not the first time we’ve see conveniences removed with “but better immersion!” being the lame justification.