At this point in time

So I usually don’t agree with anything you say…but this right here just makes it even more apparent that you are clueless AF.


So you think azerite armor and what has been done to pvp are changes we should have in classic?

His track record as a developer isn’t all that stellar. He’s made some good decisions bit overall warlords and BFA havd been crap.

I’m on the other end of your rope.

I think they might be trying to get certain things itemization, progression, earlier version of av working and seeing what they can get to work and knowing what doesn’t before they come out and say everything is going to be this this and this

We are 6 to 7 months from release. They should have most those answer already.

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Staysafe is just a content creator, but he has a ton of Vanilla knowledge. Having known him during our time in a couple raiding guilds, I do trust his judgment a bit. I think if you’re going to remain hopeful, watch this;

I also would say, don’t expect anything. But what ya think about ya bring about. PMA. Positive mental attitude. Let’s just hope they bring out a beta. If not, oh well. Life moves on.


The biggest issue with him and AA for that matter is that when bad decisions prove to be bad they don’t fix them, they double down…

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Regarding some of these hot button issues, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have the answers yet. Before making these decisions like what version of AV, cross server BGs or no, warrior threat, they’re probably still working on just getting the existing client in order such that the obvious stuff is classic like.

Stuff like AV they have quite a while to work on, if they choose to do so. After all classic isn’t starting with BGs on release. They may either be working on it, planning to work on it, thinking about whether they should work on it etc.

Some other stuff that would be easier to implement (like threat values one way or the other) they may very well randomly be arguing about still.

I don’t know what they’re going to end up with but I wouldn’t be too worried about them not dropping the hammer and saying “This is how it will be, so sayeth blizzard”. Not yet. They’ve already done that on some broader topics like class balance, transmog and so on. The lesser individual issues probably won’t be resolved until later.

Nope…I’m just saying that him not being “Involved” in vanilla is absurd. No, he might not have been a developer but he definitely was an important member of the community. So important that he was hired by the team that did develop vanilla. Saying he wasn’t “Involved” in vanilla is like saying you don’t go out of your way on the classic forums to troll almost every post and/or act like a contrarian just to bait people into arguments.


Of course they are rushing. The game will release summer 2019, no matter what state it’s in.

We are likely not hearing these answers yet, given how hostile some of the community was to discussion it’s no surprise blizzard has resorted to just making announcements.

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That and now he is just blatantly obviously trolling. The difference being that Ion actually played vanilla and he didn’t. In fact, Ion was Scarab Lord on his server. I think the guy probably has a pretty good memory of what vanilla was like. Unlike these private server revisionist babies.


There needs to be a beta, but not all betas are open betas.

There doesn’t need to be an open beta, you won’t get much useful out of that. However, if there isn’t at least a closed beta, it will be a mess.


You have yet to prove the hostile to discussion point.


here is what i find funny; people get offended at being told no, when wanting changes to an AUTHENTIC VANILLA recreation (whats even the point?) and go on about how its not ‘a logical or constructive discussion’. thats seen as ‘hostile’.
and then, when people do have a logical and constructive discussion (or try to), by proving links/evidence/facts of blizzard’s policy on this, even explaining what authentic means and its definition, explaining that the answer is STILL no- you all get offended and claim its being ‘hostile’.

literally, the only time we are not called ‘hostile’- is when there is a slight chance that defying all of those things, to get leeway in your desire for those changes, seems to be actually possible.

this is why i wish to god there was an ignore option.
talking to people like this, who do not care about the concept or idea behind classic to start with, get toxic and flamey when they dont get TWO copies of the exact same dumpster fire of a game.

having a classic version and modern version, seems to go over modern heads. so far to the point that simple brain function is impossible. im surprised that they can even form coherent words.
yeah, thats not allowed. it has to pander to us modern players or we will use fallacies and ad hominem’s. and then when it becomes complete crap…again…we will just blame it all on you guys and use it as confirmation bias that we were right all along and that it would flop. ill be over here on retail, enjoying the game i actually WANT.


Don’t you guys have phones? Most of their “best devs” are being moved to phone games and many others are being paid to quit. Their stock value has cut in half in just a couple months leading them to skeleton crew production on games like HoTS.

I think expecting Classic to launch this year is being pretty optimistic, but it can definitely still happen.

In his defense, when he was on the Encounters team he worked on, and was team leader for, raids that are largely considered fantastic by the players, from Ulduar to Siege of Orgrimmar. So IMO, saying that he’s done “very very little positive to improve the game” is just objectively false.


I don’t think we’ll see a public beta honestly, and if we do I think it would be a short testing phase.

I want you to know that what you’re doing is not going un-noticed.

odd that you expect anything before summer.