At level 60, can't see the tooltip line "Requires Level X" on ANY items

I’ve noticed I’ve stopped seeing the tooltip line “Requires Level ‘X’” on items such as armor. I think that always used to happen once I had equipped an item.
BUT, at 60, now I can’t see it on ANY item, equipped or not.
There is just a blank space where it normally shows it.
This is a problem when I’m trying to craft items for my alts. I can’t even see the character level in the crafting window.
Yes, I already tried disabling ALL mods and it still happens.
May we please have that line back at least on unequipped items?


Same here. But you should post this over in General or Customer Service - Blizzard won’t see it here.

Cool, thanks!

Disabling does nothing absolutley nothing try a proper reset

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There is a thread in bug reports already. I think this new bug comes from an attempt to fix the 9.0.5 tooltip bugs where items would show incorrect level requirements in their tooltips. I am having the issue on items looted from a particular timeframe on all levels not just level 60, in addition to Shadowlands crafted gear. Items looted (or maybe also crafted) from a previous patch do not have this issue.

I checked the Leatherworking window for previous expansions & it did not show the level requirements for crafted items there. I didn’t try actually making anything to see if the item would show its level requirements once it was crafted, but you can’t see them before the item is crafted.

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I remembered I had a bunch of crafted items in my guild bank and I figured out the pattern! If you meet the level requirements, the required level does NOT show in the tooltip, but if you are below the level required, it does show. This does not take into account armor type, just level. This is why level 60s do not ever see required levels now. This is also true for potions and food.

I posted my thread in Customer Service and “orlyia - Customer Support” moved it to Bug Report! It is the thread Marwenna posted.

As I said in that thread I started, I hope it’s a bug and they fix it, but I have a suspicion that it was somebody’s bad idea of a “good idea” to make the tooltips less cluttered and it was intentional.

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I believe this happened in the pre-expansion launch patch where the level requirement is omitted from the tooltip if the current character’s level is high enough to equip it. Probably as you said, a misguided attempt to remove tooltip clutter but it just makes things a PITA.

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… and why on earth wouldn’t Bizzard look at the Bug Report forum?! unless this thread started somewhere other than Bug Report, and was moved. It’s “here” in Bug Report now, and I fully expect Blizz wants to squash bugs and reads this forum.

It was a Customer Support thread at first and just got moved here recently. I hope they look at these threads, too, but I sometimes submit an in-game bug report as well. Some things are probably seen, but get much lower priority in the queue :weary:

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Sorry, my mistake. I thought this was posted to the Professions forum - I don’t often look at the Support forums, not sure how I wound up there.

I think the thread started elsewhere and customer support recognized the issue as a “bug” and moved it here… that’s somewhat hopeful, that a customer support rep would analyze the issue and say, “no way it’s supposed to be like that!”

Support Forum Agents (the blues here) usually don’t have that insight. The development team apparently doesn’t share their intentions with Support that much.

It’s worse in Bug Reports, since the only Blizzard reps reading here are QA, looking to collect and forward valid bug reports. But they almost never post. If a bug report isn’t valid because it was an intentional change, you’d never hear it (either because that declaration is made by the developers and doesn’t get fed back through the forum, or because QA doesn’t discuss or publicly validate reported bugs).

No. I’m so done with that. For fifteen years, they’ve been blaming US whenever a problem shows up. They ALWAYS say to fix OUR ui.
If we fall for it, we then have to reset every setting in game and for every mod for every alt, only to find out that it did NOT fix the problem THEY created last patch.
And THEN they fix the problem in the next patch or two.
Before 9.1, my 60 was happily sending greens to all my alts and I could see the character level required on all unequipped, unbound items.
9.1 hits and that line disappears.
No. Blizz did it. Blizz needs to fix it.


For those of you more daring,
I made a quick Addon to just show Min Equip-able on tool tip. That just adds extra to the tool tip. I’m not going to make an account or anything on Curse for it, so code is below, no warranty expressed or implied all code free to use no credit needed. Could probably optimize it to just pull itemMinLevel, but did not understand the lua returns and it works.
1.) Make a folder in you Addons folder called (ReqLevel)
2.) In that folder make a file called ReqLevel.toc and fill it with:

## Interface: 90100
## Title: ReqItem Level
## Notes: Displays reqitem level on items.


3.) In that same folder make a file called main.lua and fill it with:

local function Add_ReqItem_Level(tooltip)
    local _, itemLink = tooltip:GetItem()
    local itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount,
    itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, sellPrice, classID, subclassID, bindType, expacID, setID, isCraftingReagent
    = GetItemInfo(itemLink) 
    if (itemMinLevel ~= nil) then
      tooltip:AddLine("Req Level "..itemMinLevel)

GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", Add_ReqItem_Level)

4.) Load it in wow, you will have to update the Interface: 90100 line for each WoW update to current revision if you don’t want the load out of date addons warnings.

I normally do not code in lua so no warranty expressed or implied, but i can see my min levels for crafting and AH Req Levels for my alt army and thats all i wanted.

Blood and Thunder.

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Thank you for making this! So glad to see the required levels again.

If there are values returned by a function that you don’t want to keep you can put an underscore instead of a variable name. So to call GetItemInfo and only keep the itemMinLevel you could do:

local _, _, _, _, itemMinLevel, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetItemInfo(itemLink)

except you can get rid of all the underscores following the last named variable, so you can shorten it further to

local _, _, _, _, itemMinLevel = GetItemInfo(itemLink)

Also, I don’t know if there are conditions where itemMinLevel could be nil but if the item has no minimum level it will be zero. I added a check for greater than zero so items with no minimum level display nothing:

local function Add_ReqItem_Level(tooltip)
    local _, itemLink = tooltip:GetItem()
    local _, _, _, _, itemMinLevel = GetItemInfo(itemLink) 
    if (itemMinLevel ~= nil and itemMinLevel > 0) then
        tooltip:AddLine("Requires Level "..itemMinLevel)

That makes so much sense thanks for the quick tutorial, I will change my code since it throws errors like crazy under the crafting materials because i was not handling odd calls.

Thanks again.

My final code since some addons would cause the tool tip to fire with no itemLink.
This seems to fix all my lua errors by checking itemLink for nil as well.

local function Add_ReqItem_Level(tooltip)
local _, itemLink = tooltip:GetItem()
if(itemLink ~=nill) then
	local _, _, _, _, itemMinLevel = GetItemInfo(itemLink) 
	if (itemMinLevel ~= nil and itemMinLevel > 0) then
	    tooltip:AddLine("Requires Level "..itemMinLevel)

Hope that helps.