At least alliance tries to protect civilian casualties

What happened to your mask?

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In the Dark Iron’s defense, they used those to kill Goblins. They’re the worst culprit in the whole 'extract the blood of the world soul and damn the consequences!" part of the story.

The Dark Irons were doing everyone a favor by killing a few hundred of those little bastards, may have bought both sides a little bit of time.

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They parrot what Sylvannas says:

“This is War”.

As if that makes it any less heinous, unjustifiable and evil.


I always thought that there is a vast difference between being good, morally grey and just evil monsters.

You can’t lump the entire Horde with any of those characterizations. There are conflicting sides within the Horde.

The Tauren are Good.

The Nightborne are Good.

The Darkspear are Good.

The Zandalari are Morally Grey.

The Orcs are Morally Grey.

The Blood Elves are Morally Grey, teetering on Evil.

The Goblins are just greedy bastards and only care about money, and usually doing Evil stuff is what makes the most money.

The Forsaken are unquestionably Evil.


Some people think the earth is flat. To each there own

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Yeah, but like… that’s not an equatable comparison. The earth being round isn’t a matter of perspective. That’s just an unwavering scientific truth. The people who say the earth is flat don’t have a difference in opinion or perspective - they’re just entirely incorrect.

Comparatively, stating that the Horde is good, evil, or morally grey is a matter of narrative perspective. Unlike the shape of a planet, there’s no standard by which to factually state any of those things. Not all of the Horde stands by the conventionally evil actions, and not all of them stand by the conventionally good ones.

I’m critical of the Horde in BFA. I’ve been doubly critical of Sylvanas for years, now even more so. I think their actions in BFA are pretty horrific, and I know that the Horde playerbase largely dislikes how it’s been handled. I might outright say that the Horde IS evil, even though Blizzard wants us to believe otherwise. But the way you’re going about this isn’t conductive at all for a good discussion. All you’re doing is stomping your feet and screaming “YOU’RE BAD, ADMIT THAT YOU’RE BAD!!”

What would that accomplish?


Tbh I’d just say that everyone who stood behind sylvanas atrocities is just evil. Even Saurfang who was responsible for the whole event in the first place, but blizzard suddenly portrays him as the good guy.

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That’s a good point… it was a red line that should not have been crossed. Protesting after following the orders isn’t very convincing.


Yes definitely but like here’s the problem, we as characters don’t have a choice to not participate in the atrocities we are asked to do, whether is culling the local murlocs or burning the tree. But yes by virtue of the story not being written in a way in which any Horde characters feel bad about the tree or whatever is needed to prove that we the players don’t want to do it, we are complicit.

That being said, overall the races are like Nearo said, I just maybe disagree about Darkspears, they’re evil creatures. They do cannibalism, “human” sacrifice, heart burning, head shrinking, and other superstitiously horrible things; and are massively sexist. They’re still fun to play and you can play the character as “good” but Vol’jin and Rhokan aren’t a very good representation of jungle trolls (Gurubashi), despite the fact that they have had their claws taken out a bit when they joined the Horde.

I don’t talk about that WQ. In BoD(Horde side)you see them using those furies against merchants, local fauna and buildings. Also the alliance is mining the azerite so everyone is inside of the bad end but the writers act like some RP company that still push Horde=Bad and Alliance=Holier than Jesus

So setting a city ablaze thats providing shelter to hundreds of Night elven refuges who just escaped their kingdom from being burned and their friends and loved ones burned alive is no reason? Zul is not just some random Zandalari npc he was working for the royal family and Talanji the Zandalari princess was right beside Zul when he set Stormwind on fire. They were also seen escaping accompanied by high ranking officers and leaders from the faction that attacked and destroyed Teldrasil. While taunting the people who were sent to apprehend them. They probably robbed Lil Timmy and stole all his kittens! :thinking:


Apparently its “Hate on the Horde Playerbase day” in the sub. Yes, we get it, we picked the wrong faction. We’re all contemptible villains, and as a community we deserve nothing but contempt from the Alliance playerbase. How dare we enjoy WC3, its characters, its themes, and then not realize that Blizzard would not once BUT TWICE throw that all in the trash for the sake of pushing the story they want to tell along? Must be nice to be part of a faction that Blizz white-washes ANYTHING they do that’s even slightly questionable …


Complain to Blizzard then.


No offense but like WoW is just nothing but a bunch of people supporting something because they want to…

It’s totally insulated from capitalism and there just like isn’t even a story at this point, you all are inventing it and writing it all the time honestly.

also I guess some people might of read my last post weird, and assumed I was making that up, I, Marziveil literally control the World of Warcraft, Blizzard, and story direction for everything however I want, I can cancel it tomorrow if I want to…

So you all are speaking to me honestly, and there’s no respect so there’s not much happening, Game of Thrones is also basically my IP and I’m just going to keep crushing you all with it until you all grow up frankly.

I already kinda said the everything is basically all retconned there’s no Thrall Jaina etc there all written out I basically decided Europe should have the whole franchise, the artists, programmers, everyone, and to just rebuild however they want.

Like if you track my post history, there’s a post where I specifically state exactly what Blizzard did with BFA, I bascially wrote Sylvannas’s dialogue about we forgot what makes us strong but in different wording.

That’s kind of a story forum thing. Made an art by Threeslot, but sadly overused by the OP and his ilk.

Edit: Also, I love that OP clearly prefers Alliance but rolls Horde for Classic.

Oh, Vozul had an in-character nervous breakdown. She’s in therapy right now. Things are going.

Wrong! There is literally no difference between those three. (I was also being facetious with my original statement because clearly the OP is just baiting and I won’t entertain that seriously. So I’m just gonna do whatever I want in here.)

You know none of us have any power here. We’re just a bunch of rubes and peons grappling in the sand while the noblemen sneer at us disdainfully as they pass on their steeds, dragging the flayed corpse of the WoW story behind them.

Proceeds to lump entire races with those exact characterizations


I don’t think you do get it honestly

That was my skinning order… I needed some fresh leather. I forgot to specify pickup instead of delivery.


How? Droite is right, literally all this thread is is you lambasting the Horde for being forced into evil. You’re looking at a dog with a broken leg, and you’re deciding to kick it further.

You’re not enlightening the Horde on anything they don’t know. You’re just being a tool.