At least alliance tries to protect civilian casualties

Sadjaina is gollum consumed by her evil side and cannot find peace without her mania.
And she is not neutral your walking beef. Go back to the fridge where you belong.


No, Grandblade, you male human paladin you, you clearly dont understand! The Alliance is E V U L for harboring Jaina, who was mean to blood elves once and therebefore worse than Sargeras.

On the flip Sylvanas is a total angel who did nothing wrong- her attempted genocide at Gilneas, attempted slavement of an entire race do not count and her successful genocide was for the greater good. Curse that old crone Golden and her alliance bias when more than half of azeroth is somehow pissed at Sylv and gunning for her! Almost as bad you are those dastardly honor-horde players, all of them should either should either race change to alliance so they wont disturb my morally gray fantasy


Blink When did that happen?


The Kul Tiras faction invasion, which occurs before the Battle for Dazar’alor, involves Zandalari beast tamers unleashing saurids, diemetradons, and even a devilsaur on the city. There’s actually a Zandalari presence in all three Kul Tiras invasions.


That’s interesting and I wish we could have played a part in it. Would have made the war campaign more fun to just randomly send dinosaurs into the city to serve as a distraction while we do stuff.


On the plus side, one of our invasion quests is “drive this iron star over a bunch of soldiers and then into Boralus to break down their wall” which is a lot of fun.


Yeah let’s ignore the dark irons using furies, something the horde of Garrosh did and Golden took pains to make it look really bad or the alliance killing Vulpera.

I give you Blizzard is on the wagon “Horde=evul” “Alliance nothing wrong” but ignoring other stuff because the other side is also doing bad things is just not ok and much less with trolls since they are the go to race to bully by the humans but when it’s about orcs or forsakens, the alliance just go full French and shows the white flag.


I like this cow.


Yea… horde instead tries to kill as many civilians as possible in the burning of teldrassil

But they’re not evil


She was forced into early retirement. I’ll let her know you miss her low effort trolling.

On topic: Uh who cares the topic is dumb. Dazaralor is a great city and I didn’t even hate it before flying, much like Suramar.

This. I’ve yet to see a horde defend this

Really? Cause I’ve seen lots of Horde players defend it. I pretty much always don’t agree with it, but from the second it happened, there were people trying to defend it as an action.


They shoulda talked to the Dark Irons, who attack the civilian district with Old God Magma Giants, killing vast piles of troll civilians.

Got screenshots of these piles?

I’m sure that I’m missing some context on this situation, but that was pretty awesome regardless.


Man, I love being shamed for liking a certain faction in this made-up game world by not only a certain subset of the fandom, but also Blizzard itself!

This single reply speaks volumes about your mindset. This is not healthy for anyone’s enjoyment. The story sucks, but we don’t have to turn on each other and spitefully try to make it suck even worse for certain parties. What would you have Horde fans even do? I spent like $12 on a mug, dammit!


You can enjoy your faction all you want. I applaud it. But don’t get any ideas that you guys are good, or morally grey

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I think the Horde is both good and morally gray. So there!


That’s an oof in the chat, lad.

Also, do you think posting on a Horde character is going to net you brownie points when you’re clearly posting pointless Alliance flag waving posts? A lot of posters already know what you’re saying, and they’re unhappy about it, rightfully so. Why do you feel the need to kick them?

It’s not your job to force an opinion on others.