At least alliance tries to protect civilian casualties

When the Alliance kills civilians, it’s an unfortunate necessity of war to be avoided. When the Horde kills civilians, it’s bonus points.

That’s kinda what I’m getting out of this thread. - And BFA come to think of it. This whole war is stupid and ugly, like the faction war has always been since Cata when the world was redesigned to really incorporate it. Horde players are left feeling ugly and impotent, because they’re entirely reliant on cheap shots and weapons of mass destruction to fight on even ground with the Alliance, and the Alliance players are left feeling like equally impotent punching bags that take a bunch of bodyblows and then back down from ever inflicting the same sort of lasting damage the Horde does.

The invasions aren’t canon or else the despoiler squad, void corrupting fauna and flora would make the alliance look incompetent and evil but of course that is only allowed to say to the horde.

Nothin’ that says that they’re not.

Plus, since the Alliance side shows we’re trying to scare them off to prevent them from assisting the Horde war campaign (even if there are casualties), and the Void dinosaurs are small potatoes in comparison to the devastation of wildlife during the War of the Thorns (probably a few extinctions on Teldrassil), I think I can sleep okay with that brand of evil for us.


why would say incompetent?

i think that it was a pretty success void corrupting dinos and using the bones of a rex.

Now about the despoiler squad seems like someone just wanted to burn furries. nothing wrong with that.

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Who cares about the war of thorns? Take that to the orcs and the forsakens. burn their houses, made a glory path with their bones/organs. I don’t care what you think about them or the horde but what piss me off is the alliance once again goes against the wrong target when all could be solved by just blowing the zandalari fleet without invanding and getting casualties and commiting crimes in Zandalar(which btw even Malfurion should be pissed with some void tainted high elves defiling the nature, after all you need to be really stupid evil to provoke a loa like Gonk)

Besides if you are ok with that brand of evil, then you should be fine with the Forsakens picking with the nelves and that race has admitted they genocided some others races (Maiev and Tyrande claims that)

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The Zandalari lost the right to differentiate themselves from the Horde in this conflict when they decided to get directly involved with the Horde’s war campaign. Even if the invasions WERE non-canon (which they’re not), you still have the attack on Anglepoint.

Also a single Vulpera caravan and a few void-tinged dinosaurs aren’t anywhere near equatable to Teldrassil.


The fact that Dazaralor is still standing is a travesty. Alliance should have razed it to the ground.

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No…the Alliance should be better.

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Pacifism is not better.

I don’t agree that Dazar’alor should be razed, but I also don’t think that the Alliance should be “better.” In a believable narrative, good and bad shouldn’t be as black and white as it’s been made out to be. There are shades of morality in an actual war, and the Alliance is being restricted from exercising actual proportionate response because of the mindset that we should be “better.”

Being better is not being a doormat.


But then what response would be appropriate, bro? Many Horde people are angry at Alliance enough for killing the king

Destroy their harbor.
Burn their granaries.
Set the forest on fire.

Meanwhile the Zandalari are completely drained, divided and putting out literal fires they would be too busy to help the Horde.
Thats when you use that opportunity to do the next thing.

Who cares?

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Well, when Genn says that we can win the war with a followup attack, you should friggin’ take that chance. Waiting for the Zandalari to finish mourning is not the smart thing to do. That’s just ensuring the war will go on longer and more lives will be expended.

And killing Rastakhan was unfortunate, but like I’ve said, they chose to involve themselves in the Horde’s war campaign.


Maybe they could have tried reasoning with them, try some negotiation or compromise, the regicide just set them firmly on Sylvanas’ side

Is that a joke?

Nah. When the war is kicked off with a major genocide, compromise with the people who knowingly ally with the ones who did it isn’t on the table. Genn asking Rastakhan to stand down was reasoning enough, and he didn’t take that.


out of curiosity about the mourning thing, was he suggesting attacking the funeral?

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Then Anduin should have reasoned with Talanji, instead of imprisoning her. At least convince her to be neutral. Don’t repeat Tyrande’s mistake with Suramar, it just arguably harms both sides

He suggests a followup attack, but Jaina says that they should allow them time to mourn. I don’t know that he was outright saying attack THE funeral, but more attack again whether a funeral was occurring or not.

If it ends the war, to hell with the funeral.

The Zandalari, to the Alliance’s (and Horde’s probably) knowledge were a hostile empire, reinforced by the fact that Talanji was captured with the guy responsible for the Cata and Panda attacks. Plus, Anduin didn’t kill them dead, so what do you THINK he was planning?


Not to mention the soldiers that were sacrificed to make the victory happen in the first place.