At devs: just wrap it up boys

For me the zones have thier visual appeal and the lore while not elder scrolls level of perfect is ok, I do spend 95 percent of my time in the world so my only real issue is the lack of world content compared to expacs of the past.

What you don’t like running around killing rares by yourself with not another soul in sight? While you wait around for events to happen vs doing things organically?

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Wait are you kidding? I need to know if you are serious or not because my sarcasm meter was broken in a other post so I just want to confirm.

You genuinely think Shadowlands is bad because they listened to and acted on feedback?


I’m saying that there’s a lot in the expansion that’s a direct result of feedback from players regarding previous expansions. Do I really need to type it all out in a post?

Sure they got some minor stuff right but they made terrible systems and horrible gameplay limiting things that are obviously far more inpactful that “improve the weekly chest please” that they have been slowly undoing until 9.1.5 where it seems like they are mostly doing what we told them to almost 2 years go finally in am attempt to nashe the game brtter


You mean folx.

Not really. Blizzard continually ignored player feedback in both BFA and SL.


Its not even a year old.

Agreed, double legendaries in a “full-sized” patch 9.2 would be a good way to end it :yum:

Perhaps roll the final raid out in an epic/climactic “9.2.5” if they need a little more time to polish things up or tie the story together.

Because some of the covenant abilities are especially popular (example: Convoke), perhaps they could consider rolling them into a brand new 8th talent row in 10.0 to somewhat ease the “borrowed power” issue.

There’s lots of things they could do…


I would like to point out that EVERY expansion players tell blizz “no more mission tables” and every expansion blizz says “great news, you get new mission tables!”.


Not really. They implemented it and came up with Shadowlands.

They didn’t though lol

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Right? Who the hell likes mission tables. Maybe if the missions were solo adventures with your npc followers you could actually do then they might be OK but it’s not so they are the most boring things ever.

They did though lol.

They don’t have a great product management team so everything is half baked. It’s clear to me that timegating content like it’s a tiktok video isn’t what makes a MMORPG great.

The cycle I’m personally tired of is where the people testing the game in alpha and beta give clear feedback on the aspects the players won’t enjoy, the devs (Ion as the talking head) ignore and implement, and then the subs suffer because of it.

Current culprit being the Covenant system. Ion stood by the “meaningful choice” even though all the signs were there the system as it was implemented would cause people to hate it (and likely leave).

Now we have 9.1.5 where lo and behold we can switch Covenants freely. More of the same “too little, too late” that picks at the sub numbers … all because of the lack of insight and complete hubris of Ion Hazzentgotaclueanymore.


Because good is relative to the person

and not all players feel the same way :man_shrugging:

One of the if not the most complained about thing in Shadowlands, the systems, widely hated by lots of players also has players that love them :man_shrugging: So no matter what Blizzard does in 10.0 someone is going to popup in a thread like Yo…11.0 when?

But Ion knows more than us. We may think we know what we want, but we don’t.

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I’m pretty certain I know exactly what I want :laughing:

But Ion knows best! He KNOWS what’s best for us. It’s why the player base is so “toxic” because we want things our way. Right?
