At a loss for words

“Additional instances cant be launched, please try again later”

Since the ques are so long I’m playing other games while I wait for que to finish

I guess this is what comes of playing on a crowded server. I think they are offering free transfers.

How does it feel to say something so damn stupid?

I remember doing this back in the day. There was a nerd scuffle at the front of the line over who was better, Horde or Alliance. The staff made them go to the back of the line, and were lucky they didn’t lose their pre order. I ended up getting one of the last copies they had, because I didn’t pre order. Wasn’t even going to play wow again at that point, but said might as well try it.

communicate what ?

they already told you there’s no magic bullet

You could split benediction in half, and there would be 2 full servers with a queue.

xfer or q

I can share some words with you.

Space Goats

There you go. Good luck and I hope they serve you well.

This is why I never take time off for launch anymore.

When Blizzard releases a new xpac the first week is just World of Queues/Bugs.

Been burnt way too many times to get time off for major Blizzard events anymore

This reply seems a bit ignorant.

It should be a big deal to everyone that has paid for the game. Blizzard did not put out commercials advertising sitting in queue for 5+ hours, they advertised PLAYING the game. Had they advertised that, then many would not have paid… Hold them to their word, why make it our fault? I am not the one that decided to over populate the server, I am not the one that didnt take the time to look at the trending data to figure out the best course of action, and I am not the one using this to make another $50 on a boosted character just so someone can start on an unpopulated server. Dont White-Knight for Blizzard, they have more than enough experience and resources to have circumvented this, they chose not to. Again when you spend money on a service, your expectation should be getting the service.

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I wish they didn’t name the server Old Blanchy though lol, such a turn off.

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I feel this is appropriate here

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Working well for me but maybe you are one of those streamer servers ?

They just need cross releam, problem solved

Old Blanchy was a a wonderful horse and beloved by everyone.

Great analogy.

“We were asking for it” were we?

It’s almost like, wait for it now, you chose to play on a hyper crowded server and refused to take several offered instances to transfer.

Looks like a you problem bud.

  1. WoW is built on old server code [for classic] and would need maint even if new. 1,000,000s of requests a week and bugs to fix.

  2. you knew this was coming. you knew it’d happen. you’re whining on the opening week of the most popular xpac.

Communicate what? They already stated very clearly that your options are sit in queue or transfer off.

Works on my machine (and realm).

kek, people really love whining in public forums and expecting sympathy.

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