At a loss after GM deleted several of my characters

I think that I need to start out by admitting that I’m an altoholoc; I have way too many characters, but I love them all and rotate through playing them.

I am posting today since it is the three month anniversary. On August 26, 2024, I created ticket number US100622022.

On October 4, 2024, already more than a month into the ticket, a GM deleted 22 of my characters (without my consent) in the hopes that doing so would help to resolve the original issue. It did, but left me with a much larger issue. I would have just learned to live with the original issue if I had any inkling that this would be the solution.

October 6, 2024, two days after they were deleted, a GM restored four of my characters. He then escalated my ticket.

October 8, 2014, four days after they were deleted, the escalation team restored eight more of my characters.

That was the last time there has been any progress made. The other ten characters remain deleted to this day. Every day I log in and check if they have been restored, and every day I am disappointed.

I tried opening another ticket, but that just seemed to make the front-line GMs angry, because the escalated issue is out of their hands.

My fondest hope is that the Blizzard employee who monitors this forum can nudge the escalation team, and hopefully get them to restore the remaining characters, or at least get some information about what is going on.

I know that isn’t really the purpose of this forum, but as stated in the title, at this point I am at a complete loss for what to do. Please help me.

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1: Lower your expectations
2: Lower them even more

I feel like you’re just making things worse for your mental wellbeing by expecting this to be resolved every single day you log in and you’re making them a lot worse by posting here expecting a solution on a player-to-player forum.

Some other player had a post similar to yours where they just had so many deleted characters that the system broke and it couldn’t recover them anymore.

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The blues here cant do that i get the frustration but its outa there hands.

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Gms do not just delete characters. Sure you where not comprised? Gm would not risk their job doing that.


That’s what I was gonna say. Dude was either hacked, or isn’t telling the full thing.


If this is the poster I think it is, this issue is of their own making due to the sheer amount of creations/deletions they made on their own, and if it IS that poster, As you have been told here repeatedly by the SFA’s the ONLY thing you can do is wait for a response.


There was someone here a few weeks ago with a similar issue - they had so many deleted characters, many with the same names, it was causing huge issues when using the character undelete. From what I can recall, the system just doesn’t know how to handle so many deleted characters.

You have a ticket open. You’ll just need to wait on the process. Sounds like it’s going to be a complicated fix (if they can).


They don’t “Just delete characters”, but they do have troubleshooting steps to help address various issues. One of them is to delete and restore a character which, in certain situations, can help resolve some technical issues.

Unfortunately, it seems that we have been unsuccessful in restoring the characters internally. It isn’t a common issue and only seems to have come about due to the specific circumstances of the account. That is what is being looked into, but it not something we have an ETA on.

They weren’t angry, but they did ask you not to open up additional tickets on this matter because until they hear back from the escalation, there isn’t anything more they can tell you. Closing your ticket doesn’t close out the overall issue, it’s still there.

I am sorry for the frustration this is causing you, Thistledown, but at the moment we are stuck until a resolution can be found there. As soon as they hear back they’ll contact you.


Thank you. I do appreciate your response and the time you invested into looking into this for me. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice goes a long way.


I understand that 100 :100: at the time no idea the op had issues like that, figured might been hacked.

Yes of course gm with a valid reason would. Sure you have trouble shooting protocols you follow.

I hope his issue is fixed soon

Always good to provide the info, just in case. I just wanted to clarity that it can happen, depending on the situation. :slight_smile:


Holy moly a Blue in player forums!!!

This forum has dozens of Blue posts a day. Hang around if you feel like it and you will see that. It is an Information Desk to help folks navigate the Support system/tickets, explain policies, explain account services, etc. While it is primarily a player help player forum - it has heavy Blizzard coverage during the shifts for the Support Forum Agents.