Hello! I’m currently looking for an active and welcoming guild to be my new home! I have been playing since BC, and took a break for a few years after finishing up BFA when it was current. I’ve been back for several months and really miss the feeling of being a part of a community and that I matter to a group of people in game!
I’m currently in my RL best friend’s guild but it is not a fit for me since I am not a hardcore raider. My main is an Shadow Priest that I am currently focusing on but I have several alts that I will be dabbling with soon. I’m interested in all aspects of the game: questing, dungeons, current and past raids, pet/mount collecting, achievement hunting, etc.
I do have a full time job and a family so my game time is pretty random but I would love for some place that is willing to accept that and feel like a home during my escape from the real world!
Thank you and I hope to see you in game!