Assessment on Moonguard Server

Here is my assessment on Moongaurd. As many of you would note, Moonguard is home to one of the most notorious villages, that all other servers have, but Moonguard has one difference…

Goldshire. Goldshire is a booming land of naked toons, standing, or running. Some even take part in “ERP”, Erotic roleplay. I’ve studied this art, little to never taking part, i’ve studied from the shadows. As I’d watch steamy toons use their cringey emotes, as i’m sure one of them would take part in arousal self-manipulation. The goal is simple, as far as I know, it is to get gold for some, and to get a “Load” off to others.

Now, we Moonguardians would sometimes call “Goldshire” as, simply, “Pornshire”, for fun. However, outside of this booming, steamy land, is the town square of Goldshire. People will PVP and talk about many things, including their old beat.

Now, their general chat in capital cities are well… Strange to say the least. Many talk about serious topics, however, some point in the day, there is always a topic about genitalia.

You will almost always see an female character somewhere. A male character is also common, but based on knowledge, the ratio of In-game gender is this: 79% Female Characters and 21% Male Characters.

I, have found many serious people on Moonguard however. Some Moonguardians are actually clean. You won’t be surprised to find at least one Moonguardian in a roleplay. Most Moonguardians will be laid-back, and friendly to others, and as you all know by now… Open to ERP.

Join this server if you wish to see these people.


game must be really dead if people are recruiting others to be on moanguard


how about all y’all just quit talking about moonguard and let it be how it wants?

just shut up before blizzard tries to screw with it. they’re full of authoritarian-minded people these days, i don’t want that hurt my server.


“Come to Moon Guard for me, stay in Moon Guard for the tentacles.”



Much original

Such thought provoking stuff

Glad the world finally knows, you little trailblazer you


This again?

I tended to keep my Horde and Alliance on two different servers. Horde on MG, and Alliance on WRA. I recently switched that.

I seriously regret that.

The chat in MG on Alliance side, as you’ve mentioned, is cancerous. Either people baiting with political crap, something about ERP, or advertising for ERP GUILDS. I honestly don’t get it. MG Horde side was fine (at least when I played it last), and I’m sure there’s some good Ally side RP guilds considering the Horde and Ally RPPvP guilds would duke it out a lot for events. However, it seems that time (at least on the alliance side) has ended.

Thinking about switching my characters back to MG Horde side and going back to what I used to do, cuz honestly Horde side WRA is kinda meh. At least in my opinion.

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The Horde seems to be just as bad, if not a little better.

I don’t know what I would do if I ran into any of that.

My heart is too pure…



Crazy talk. Horde MG is dead in comparison to Horde WrA.

And yeah, there are some decent people on Ally MG, but they’re getting fewer and further between by the day. Eventually we’ll all just have to pick up stakes and let 'em win.

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:laughing: :smile: :laughing: :smile: :laughing: :smile: :laughing: :smile: :laughing: :smile:

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Moonguard has this “goldshire” place?

I have never ever heard of it before. This is new to me.

Please go on.

I’m fairly certain Blizz is aware of what goes on in MoonGuard, the Las Vegas of wow. It’s been happening for many years now. If they were going to do something about it, they would’ve.

You’ll be okay.

I’ve seen you walk into Goldshire (moonguard) wearing a Human facemask and dressing up as a Sailor Moon girl :wink:
Your secret is out!!!


It’s truuuuue!!!

/cries fabulously on the floor

I ran out of likes… for 10 hours. Here :heartpulse:

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Blizz does not care about ERP from what I have been given to understand. They’re not going to mess with it unless people report players for breaking actual rules.

But yeah… We don’t need to make a tabloid post about MG.

We have to move out! The secret is out now!

Please do not leave me here all alone with these crazy people.

We must take you with lucif! Follow me to the hideout Ysera!

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