Assessment on Moonguard Server

I don’t know, but I like the idea of this place. Color my world!

Wyrmrest Isn’t much better.

Moved to WRA from an old dead server because it has the most balanced population of horde to alliance for a single server. Alliance side chat is pure cancer there. The RP-Rules lawyers who will screech and report en-mass get way more obnoxious than the occasional build the wall troll. Also Alliance side turns into hypocrites for being way too open about bestiality in a favorable way, which is criminal behavior in most places. Oh and get use to hearing the word “microaggression” a lot. Snowflakes galore.

Horde side is just plain boring. Progression meh. Social guilds are like a daytime women’s talk show where everyone is expected to clap their flippers together like arffing seals. Trade chat is the same dozen drama queens hogging the channel wanting to see their own name on the screen as much as possible… that is until late night on the weekends. Then trade turns into a ladyboi hookup app, or therapy support group for the mentally ill depending on which way you view it.

TL;DR: RP is dead. At least there’s a place for all those people to go (and stay there) just like how pvp servers end up as the sewer of most mmos.

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I actually have all my Horde Toons on MG! I find it quiet, maybe because i keep to myself?

I do avoid GS, which is why I only have horde there. I have seen alot of friendly folk there so dont be afraid of the realm…It is not all bad and heavy laden in erp!

Just a couple that i have there…

I have seen these people, I want to unsee these people.

Your pandaren eyes are literally burning in agony.

oh great another MG troll thread. haven’t seen one of these in a while.

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Oh christ I forgot about those. I remember I use to play a Worgen Warlock and one of my guild mates got pissed at me because my summoning of an infernal was similar to hers. Messaged me and asked me to “Stop roleplaying like her”. After one emote.

If you are on certain hours of the day, Moonguard LFG does have a calm talk about it (Rarely in cities so can’t really comment about Trade, so if you meant that), like it can get political but not as bad, it’s just depends who’s on.
Other hours it becomes racist, especially towards anyone Asian (Mostly if you are from like India or Pakistan, and if you dare speak against it, they try to tell you why it’s okay to be racist towards them).

I usually notice that crowd in my late afternoon/night, for the US it’s like midnight, so I guess that’s why, those kids gotta go to bed. Just avoid Goldshire, turn on LFG chat on certain hours then turn it off later. As for Trade, do the same but I would have to spend more then 10 mins in a city to see how bad it is.

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Make fun of the server all you want but it’s got better raiders, pvp’ers, and an actual population… three things your dead server doesn’t have.

/Pushes Akston into the inn

But we’re never gonna survive… unless… we get a little crazy :crazy_face:


looks like you like to assume