I’ve been Sub on this Alt, and I am trying to get through the Night Fae campaign and do a little Torghast / pvp on the side. I’ve been hearing now that Assassination is something to try. How does it perform vs. Sub in PvE and PvP now? I was Assassination all through BFA but then switched to Sub as it was buffed for Shadowlands. Is Assassination viable for soloin’g PvE content? How does it perform in PVP?
Totally understood on the ‘play what you enjoy’ advice but I’ve always liked both specs. I gunning for Rated BG’s with some 2’s and 3’s thrown in. I also want to be able to solo Torghast to level up my Legendary. I never see Assassination on any of the PVP leaderboards… so I was just curious if it had a boost with this new patch (9.0.5) or not.
I think you’ll start to see more assa especially for average players. If your primary is to do RBG then I’d say gear sub. Because the requirements to start assa is only around 10% haste you can grab from vault when there isn’t an upgrade for sub, thats kind of what I did.
For TOR or the small amount of pve I do, I enjoy assa better.
I’ve been trying assassination and once you get used to it, things seem to be pretty alright. It feels less one-dimensional than the other two specs and there are multiple viable legendaries to choose from.
The biggest plus for me is the ability to choose how you want to deal damage since you have the option of doing quick burst from opener, dotting up (and “burst” dots with exsanguinate) or applying constant pressure.
Poisoned knife is a great kiting/catching up/keeping in combat tool too, especially since the spec has limited mobiity.
Even without the MA Leggo, the amount of burst Sub can do is ridiculous. And that’s currently the meta for PvP. Burst damage. So sub will still stay the PvP go to.
Not saying Sin can’t compete or do well, but between the two, Sub will probably stay on top for pvp
Idk about you but that change was quite the buff on Cleave situations.
Not having to expend CP on SnD over and over again is a huge pro in general, and again, Sin is the slowest spec out of the 3 specs, SnD was just clunky in it, thats reality.
Besides theres nothing wrong with a spec with low skill floor.
Here’s the honest truth. It doesn’t change anything. The only difference between cleave and single target is that instead of using an envenom you do another rupture.
It was clunky for bad players.
If you knew how to properly pool your energy it wasn’t clunky at all. On top of that you’re not really changing much besides dumbing down the spec.
Low skill floor specs should do trash dps and not be the default raid spec.
Besides specs have drawbacks regardless of difficulty, even Sin, for example, both of their Burst CD only work for 1 specific target and their AoE dmg is mediocre outside of Talents that sacrifice ST dmg.