Assa rogue always behind sub in PvP

Why is Assa rogue always second or third for PvP spec’s for rogues?

I’ve played Assa as my main since I started in wrath, however I never really took gaining rating and PvP seriously until shadowlands.

One thing I noticed about it all is that anytime Assa rogue is considered better than Sub for PvP, which it has been briefly here and there, Assa gets nerfed hard.

In the last 3 years I can only remember Assa pulling ahead of Sub rogues for PvP for about 3 or 4 months, spread out between different timelines within that 3 years.

Assa was good because deathmark started out good, but it got heavily nerfed in a couple weeks.

Assa was good because Exsanguinate was good and synergized well with the spec when it was on a 45 second CD. Blizzard couldn’t have that though, so they nerfed it from 45 seconds to 3 freakin minutes.

Not to mention that when bugs effect Assa rogues to the point its almost unplayable (like their tier sets bonus pulling you out of stealth) blizzard is silent about it.

Oh and in case anyone was wondering, the new Exsanguinate passive talent is also bugged, pulling you out of stealth for no reason other than it’s working on a target.

Thanks for reading, if you have any opinions on why Sub has been getting the gold treatment compared to Assa for the last 3 years, I’ll enjoy reading the replies.

Have a good day


It isn’t, though.


How else would you expect us to backstab them?

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Because you need a lot to be better than the spec that can stun an entire team has bomb/duel mix up and can easily solo in either

Sin rogues are about to be fun as heck, and soo much better with rework!!! Sub just get a big burst and thats is, wet noodle, SIN is where the fun is at, call them Kraft because they are the cheesiest!

Assassination isn’t bad. Been playing some assas affliction around 2200.

Feels great into wizards and meh into cleaves and awful (lol) into sub RMP

TTK for 10.2 Assassination Rogue: 11 seconds
TTK for 10.2 Sub Rogue: 3 seconds

I haven’t personally tested anything on 10.2, so dunno… maybe the assassination rogue is bad or something. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“Once damage is going, it is going big time!”

Well, I’d rather have the damage that goes big time in 3 seconds than 11 seconds. :stuck_out_tongue:

did OP not play S1?

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Assa has been the strongest spec a ton of times.
Season 1 of df assa best rogue spec.
Was as good as sub for most of SL.
All of BFA Assa was best.
And even when it isn’t the best it’s not usually bad. This is probably it’s worst season in a long time.

there’s absolutely no reason for assa to be good in pvp though

if you can’t be bothered to learn how to play sub you don’t deserve kidney shot. just roll a feral or a warrior


Oof I remember not even being able to win a single round in season 1 because of assa rogues and dhs. Both are in the dirt now with their nerfs :dracthyr_uwu:

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Assassination is absolutely great on the ptr. It’s hard to show in a duel how hard you can burst someone with it compared to sub. Sub is extremely op with rotten goremaw. It’s too hard to get a gauge on how well assassination is going to work because sub just oneshots.

Sub was boring ever since the CP changes are on the rogue and not the target. They should have never gutted redirect

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Excited to play some buffed aff sin hpal w all the changes

Also a rogue player since Wrath, I’m convinced it’s because the dev team doesn’t know how to have two single target oriented specs competing with each other in the same class.

Outlaw and sub were designed well initially, Assassination was not and when they nerfed all 3 in both pvp and pve at the start of the expac assassination never recovered because of that poor design.

Just my 2 copper.

Just blizzard protecting “le mlg l33t epic playz triple cc woooooo one shot in a smoke bomb or duel” sub rogue. Assa has been stronger only when outright broken like sepsis but I agree sub should be gutted and assa should be the dominant spec, not broken

One thing people over look, cheese. Its all about how you play it.

Who cares about having the stronger spec when you’re not even pushing the highest content, being stronger just means your that much closer to being nerfed :dracthyr_shrug:

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This means nothing assassination takes some time to get its damage going while a sub rogue can burst instantly with symbols and shadow dance. Assassination is going to be very good.

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