Assa rogue always behind sub in PvP

I dont like it when one of the classes I play becomes FOTM, then everyone rolls that class, ewwww.

ive never pushed arena on my rogue. mainly just RBGs. But sepsis in shadowlands i cheesed to 1750. no clue of what i was doing. sap healer and hard open whatever and a good chance it was dying

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part of that is because they literally left the tier 4/4 bonus that breaks their stealth to last the entire season. It’s really pathetic how often they leave game-breaking bugs in the game, for so long (some of them years).

Assa was BiS in BFA, really good in unchained and Cosmic, literally one shotting people with sepsis in Eternal, and the best spec in the game pre 10.0.7, so idk wtf you’re talking about.

The reason Assa constantly flucuates in how good it is has everything to do with how low the skill floor for the spec in.

Assa is a kidney bot that does nothing but spread bleeds until it’s incredibly telegraphed go with kidneys. When a spec doesn’t have a board range of playmaking potential it always comes down to tuning. When Assa is overtuned its too good and it gets nerfed. When it’s not good enough theres no reason to play it.

Compare that to sub that can cross entire teams by themselves, has access to duel, is infinitely tankier and can very easily tab players when they pre press buttons / bait defensives. Sub can kill anyone at any time, Assa makes it incredibly obvious.

Mix all of this with the fact that assa just kind of gets destroyed by so many classes in the game these days. BoPs, Caut flame, poison cleansing totem, mending bandage, every dwarf in the game. Your main CD is literally not even a thing in to like 70% of the specs in the game.

You guys always underestimate Assassination rogues, they are the true masters of CHEESE!!!

Something worth considering is there are some specs that just make the game horrible to play when they are S tier. IMO, sin rogue is one of them. Other examples are aff lock, spriest, frost dk. Not that spriest or aff lock are bad right now, but they aren’t necessarily the best classes to play atm. I’d almost throw dh into this category due to its brain dead nature. Any time these are good, the game is just miserable to play. Idk if blizz actually considers these things when they tune, but they should.

2/4 breaks it and makes it unplayable. 2/4 also makes it so you can’t gouge the target you are doing damage to as Outlaw.

Tier sets that break fundamental functions of the spec. GJ BLIZZURD!

That’s strange because in my experience they’re both usually behind me.

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not that its bad by any means just sub is really hard to top when played at the highest level it can be and with the cdr from 2 vanishes just its outplay and control cant be matched not even by specs of its own class you have stunlock every stun dr gouge and can vanish that back as well as kidney, only real advantage id say assa has is garrote. it is a gamechanger in many matchups

OH and a sharpen, cant forget that. huge

LMAO thats pure gold ty ok done spam replying your thread, take care

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I find Assassin to be quite viable this season. It probably is behind sub but the gap isnt the same as last season and I myself will play both favoring assassin actually. I do enjoy the playstyle more but really rogues should be grateful all three specs are highly viable and capable of reaching any goal.

assa feels much more viable this season, only bummer is the rework, imo, didnt really change the playstyle or feel of the spec or help the lack of defensives. i think you can run a viable dance build in 2s, but in 3s it still feels like we have to run an ER non dance build. very happy to have KB back though, its nice having some good instant dam.

I like the playstyle but I agree about the defensives but that being said they are one defensive away from being busted so I am not sure what the right answer is. Overall I will be playing it and trying to push it at some point this season.

eh its having any cdr period away from being busted but with cloak pvp talent evasion and 2 feint charges it definitely can be tough to kill, if nelf and can meld as well just is super strong

ohh i dont think it needs more power as much as maybe some other classes needing just a little bit less.

Assas is extremely viable and with hpal nerfs it only gets stronger