Assa desperately needs attention

The spec is suffering in pvp. One of the few specs that has gotten WORSE every season as it progresses. And its funny because people call assa the training wheel spec out of all rogues, but it now requires the most attention to detail to not die. You misuse cloak or evasion and you fall over so hard.

Assa has not had a viable 4p all xpac, each season when everyone has 4p, assa begins to fall off in damage and pressure. and with the S4 voting system, pvers voted for the worst tier (this season) so it’ll happen all over again in s4. the only exception to this was s1 where blizz released the game with a broken deathmark that double the effects of wound poison making it unhealable, and then they nerfed the class twice before fixing deathmark.

At this point Assa should be removed and we should just play feral, better burst, better cc, better defensives, more team utility. I was really hoping the rogue rework would help, which it did at the beginning of the season, but after 4p we slowly started to lose steam and after the recent changes to cloth armor in pvp and the fear changes, the main teams we used to do well against (caster cleaves or caster/melee) we now have a lot less pressure against.

The main issue with assa is a lackluster burst button, which i can play around, but extremely poor defensives. Why does assa not get any spec defensives? all of our defensives are in the class tree which outlaw/sub get on top of their own defensives in their spec trees. Why does outlaw and sub deserve so much cdr while assa gets none? I dont really understand it.

its a pretty simple fix, either give the spec some cdr to bring it inline with the constant cds outlaw/sub can farm back, or add a couple defensive talents to the spec tree and make things like deadly poison/seal fate/cut to the chase passive so we can spec into them. we dont need more offensives as you can do good damage if you play it right. if sub can have a 2min smokebomb instead of 3mins and have tons of CDR talents, make assa more like DH where the defensives have shorter CDs or something


I agree we don’t need more damage. We need to be able to survive for more than a minute to be able to do our damage


BlizZard had the right idea in legion by attaching damage reduction with vial. Assassination needs to be able to put up pressure on multiple targets.

The spec isn’t built around hit and run like Sub. And it doesn’t have the utility of Outlaw so the spec has to be in the thick of it to apply pressure.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


The whole new meta of needing to dot up everything just to have any energy regen is really bad design. I would much prefer us to have the faster ticking dots and using haste/vers than what we have now completely ignoring haste. It feels so bad. The current meta forces us into aoe talents and treating pvp like it’s mythic +. It’s not! Please fix this! Ive been maining assass for 10+ years. This is the worst it has ever felt in pvp.


yup, it wasnt as bad before the last round of tuning, but now the game feels completely unplayable as assa. was 2100+ consistently in 3s and 2200+ in RSS before the last changes to fear and rets, now im struggling to stay above 2k. its pretty insane how bad the game feels. every team has war or lock or something with a fear and fear feels like a stun. assa requires way too much ramp up, way too much risk with way too little reward. we are the squishiest rogue spec so imo our damage should be the scariest, but we are a dampen pvp spec, that cant even live til dampening kicks in its such garbage.

we are just a 2s spec now


Assassination if you go back to WotLK had Old school Overkill which I think works better if Assassination and Outlaw are going to be balanced around heavily stealth windows moving past DF.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Hurts how true this post is but you’d get eviscerated saying something like this over in the arena forum, naturally since it’s a rogue spec. The defensives are terrible and may I add that Deathmark being able to be dispelled/countered easily by multiple spells across different specs and races is a bit much these days especially considering Combustion got its’ counterplay removed. I wonder if Recuperator was fixed to work as it used to, if it would help us out at all.

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RoGuEs aRe eVil nErf dEm - forums constantly. Hard to determine the future for our kind dude. Mythic + pvp is only fun for the meat head classes for sure dude.

Hopefully hero talents put punch into core abilities since rogue cds being really effective are forbidden.


just dont want to be forced to play outlaw if i wanna climb higher in pvp to reach my goals. and this is a baseline blizz thing, it sucks for any player to not play the spec they want to play because it doesnt work in the meta of the content they play.


Rogues are a support class now with cc so others can space jam dunk on others but we get blamed as usual. This cycle a revolving one for sure dude.


Well with the double charges of Feint, damage reduction of Evasion and the second evasion via PVP CloS talent Rogues are basically a tank in PVP now. But that is a consequence of nerfing Blind and KS CC.

I know this doesn’t help Assassination but a lot of DPS specs in the game have a lot of defensives now and self healing. That is the direction of the current game for PVE and PVP on retail.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Dunno, everyone’s kit increased game wide and I wouldn’t say we are ridiculous. A rogue with no cooldowns definitely bites the dust. I wouldnt say “tank” as we cannot absorb damage or take it and that mitigation via control or some form of a cool down has always been our thing to turn the odds in our favor.

A lot of classes have a mix of passive and active traits by way of talents or inherited which isn’t bad at all and is encouraged. These tools have all existed over other expansions, our world sped up, rogues should too. Elusiveness isn’t going to save you alone with X class whooping on you or recuperate but combining it with dismantle and such may when timed well as every class has stuff to deal with others.

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so is ret, but they got a nice damage buff the last round of tuning so its bs imo. assa is not a cc bot like sub and outlaw can be. it makes me sad i cant play assa at a high level with the current meta unless i have the BIS comp possible and make little to no mistakes every game :frowning:


Ret is a hard charger like the others, rogues get touched no matter what as we are a control class. It appears because of our nature as rogues a cc tax is implemented . Just the way of the road and the way she goes. We aren’t going to tab target as ret does and honestly that isn’t rogue like anyway but I do understand what you mean dude.

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The entire Rogue class is taxed if we are to be honest and not just PVP but also PVE.

Other classes and specs have similar tools like smoke bomb easily available while Rogue smoke bomb has been relegated into a PVP talent.

The entire point of smoke bomb was to give Rogue something unique that they can bring to small groups/raids but also for PVP.

Before Smoke Bomb the most unique thing a Rogue could bring aka before Cata was CloS. But now these days so many other classes have their form of full immunities so that isn’t unique anymore.

A lot of Rogue tools have been given out to other classes like Monk and DH while Rogues haven’t really received any of the new tools those classes have. Closest would be two charges of Feint which is very recent. Or the stagger mechanic from Brewmaster monk tacked onto the new Kspree which spreads out the damage over time.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Other classes want to be homogenized and for us all to be a carbon copy.

The “nerf rogue threads” are always out of hand and if we stand up, people immediately talk trash. why do rogues have x? Because we are rogues and these are our tools. That’s not fairrr I should have that tooooo.

Glad our dev said he is allergic to that type of stuff. At least he knows that makes things dull.


The legends of our evil rogue ways have lived far longer then our abilities to preform those feats anymore.

Whenever we get buffed in the slightest our legendary rep rears its head in the forums. Even though even with the buffs we can’t do that junk anymore.

It seem Blizzard doesn’t take the time to confirm if the complaints are new or old.


Assassination always had talents or skill to reduce damage somehow in its class tree.

I mean if you look at the classic tree Assassination had Deadened Nerves or a damage reduction while Vial was up in Legion. Or Assassination and Sub could easily obtain Improved Recuperate (damage reduction while recup was up) in the Combat tree once you progressed down the entire respective trees.

The Assassination spec was always designed to be in face combatant like Outlaw/Combat but to use poisons, and bleeds.

The Assassination spec was never designed to be a glass cannon because the spec isn’t designed to have burst like Sub or the tools/escapability of Outlaw/Combat and Sub.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Our class devs Realz doesn’t seem to care.

The rework was a net positive in PVE but left glaring PVP issues - 1. Significant lack of passive defensives and #2. A main cooldown easily dispelled or completely negated by a large % of the other specs in the game. Sub, the rogue burst spec, has substantially more defensives and outs than Assassination and Outlaw is one of the face-tankiest DPS in the game at the moment. Assassination has a sum total of 0 defensive talents in the spec tree which is impressively bad for a brawler spec.

There are a few fixes I can think of (for our spec tree specifically) like poisons that decrease damage done or taken, crimson vial being not awful or having DR, additional flat DR or stam, passive stun DR, vers not being an awful DPS stat, etc. We don’t need a lot but we need some more passive defensives since we don’t have the control or burst that Sub does or the control and staying power of Outlaw. The only time Assassination is good at the moment is when it has tremendous DPS which is the fastest way to get nerfed in PVP.

All of this said, if you want to actually get some changes, you’ll need to ingratiate yourself with the Ravenholdt discord and our shadow Assassination dev, Whispyr. Fair warning, the rogues in the channels Realz actually frequents (Assassination, Outlaw, and Subtlety ) don’t care about PVP. A quick "from: .realz in: pvp " search in Ravenholdt has his last message as in November for rogue PVP and I couldn’t find anything through at least last July addressing any Assassination PVP concerns.

I recommend you settle in for awhile for continuing disappointment on Assassination PVP issues.


That is because the arena forums are filled with a bunch of credit card glads who are just bad

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