Assa desperately needs attention

Our class developer isn’t likely working on pvp and it is likely a team who makes decisions from a whole rather than through the eyes of a specific class / specialization.

Assassins have the greatest burst potential and the most consistency, its not going to have the same tools nor should it as different tools reflect different styles and would homogenize things (the thing that people swore made the game better in legion forward)

Whysper and the other moderators arent developers nor do they care about pvp and or what pvpers think. (they would make fun and of pvpers addressing those concerns attempting to get a voice during df beta and the talent update). Whatever gets them the biggest pve diablo 4 spamming numbers topping meters are all those jokers about.

The actual developers have distinctly chosen to put in talents reflecting the past (good thing) and some stuff to return which is good however did not go full swing as this isn’t 2008 any more.

  • Deadened nerves is 5% (was 3% before as thieves versatility was moved and points were re allocated)
  • 2 charges of feint for 20% dr (didn’t exist)
  • sanguine blades cumulatively likely does more healing depending on targets bled up and length of a match
  • ironstomach and recuperator are more accessible now for small cumulative healing.(wasn’t before)
  • soothing darkness (shared, wasn’t before)
  • veil of midnight (shared now)

Lots of new stuff which is cool, but they probably aren’t going to add anything due to how Assassin’s kit is and what is already shared. We requested things back in ptr and that’s all we can do each time but whoever makes decisions is going to pull that lever kronk.

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