[A]<Speak Easy> 17/17 Recruiting big dps DK/Hunter/Enh shaman for core 25 team. Tues/Thurs 7-11pm server (EST)

We’ve been clearing all 17 bosses in three hours on wipe day, it would be less but we need to fill some key DPS positions which include DK and enhancement shaman.

Current Progression:

Naxx - 15/15
OS - 1/1 (2 Drake)
EoE - 1/1

We run Tues/Thurs 7PM EST to 11PM EST.

10 Mans run on Wednesdays and Fridays, also forming weekend groups and eventually an alt 25 raid.

Loot is Handled by Open Loot Council / MS > OS roll

High Priority

  • Frost/Unholy DK
  • Holy Paladin

Medium Priority

  • Enhancement Shaman

Low Priority
*All other roles to fill second raid

PM Topher in game for more information, or ping me on discord: tophe69#2790