Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

You need the same mats to level professions, and especially for leveling past 300 and for JC. People will want to prepare just like they did pre-TBC. Deleting everyone’s items denies them that crucial vanilla experience

I think it’s patently stupid. Wealth is a key measure of progress. This is a communist idea, and it kills incentives.

A large population of players are playing just to increase their wealth for TBC. That’s a legitimate thing to do, and it’s what people do at the end of every expansion. No harm is being done to the economy.


Why would people lose things?

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If it doesn’t matter then why delete them? Seems kind of dumb either way.

Tweaking anything from the original transition of how expansions have been handled would just be absolutely ridiculous. If they don’t want people carrying items/gold over to TBC then it should just be FreshStart/Lvl58 servers and leave the Classic servers in tact. Don’t take items or gold away from someone who had the foresight to plan for buying their flying mount or whatever other reasons they wanted to farm all that gold.

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Then why the need to remove them?

People will be leveling new characters. Draenei Shamans and Blood Elf Paladins, for example. They’ll want to swap professions because the best professions are different in TBC.

And I’ll bounce that question back to you. Why does it matter if people have those trade goods?

The basic idea is that people are vastly more effective and knowledgeable about gold farming and materials farming now than they were in vanilla. There is FAR more wealth even now than there was in original vanilla’s phase 6.

The concern is that this is going to carry over and mess up the economy for all of TBC.

There are a large number of people now with 10k+ gold, which is still a huge amount of money even @ 70.

If large numbers of people go into TBC with this kind of money, it will hyperinflate the economy even at 70 and screw things up.

Also i think asmongold is about the last person that should have an opinion on the matter

  1. He quits on the regular
  2. Everything is handed to him. No wonder he is ok with others losing everything

All this is is some basement dwelling neckbeard wanting people who invested the time he didnt to lose everything because he knows that he will be handed everything without effort

Who cares?

Thats wow. Work for it or dont, but others shouldnt be punished because youre lazy


That will happen regardless.

People like Asmongold will always spout these changes like they have true interest in the games economy when they literally have people trade them 50+ arcanite bars for free or trade them endless gold simply for 5 minutes of fame on his stream.

Gold,realm economy and anything else doesn’t matter to him because his simple existence on a realm gets him anything he wants. I wouldn’t latch onto his ideas even if they do sound reasonable and good on it’s face.


That’s just not how economies work, though.

Considering you need 6k gold to get flying, not really. I knew someone who was lent 5k gold to get their epic flying and they paid it back over the weekend with the gold they made in TBC.

Also, there were people with the gold cap in vanilla.

Not really. For one, more people are farming items, as well. The increased supply lowers its value. Despite supposed inflation, the cost of goods go DOWN. That’s not inflation. That’s deflation.

What’s really happening is that everyone is becoming more wealthy. You’re not just adding 0’s to the end of everyone’s bank accounts. People actually have relatively more now, and there’s more available than there was in the past.

That’s a really good point.

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It’s the only reasonable way to go forward.

-If you let Classic servers just progress to TBC a LOT of people are going to be angry. A big part of the community that begged for Classic servers just wanted Classic forever.

-If you start TBC with premade level 58 characters the ENTIRE POPULATION is going to roll horde. There will be no alliance left after what happened in phase 2 and with Alterac Valley.

-If you allow transfers of your Classic characters without limitations people will cheat. Give all your gold on Classic to one character, copy them over to the TBC server… then give all yoru gold to the next character, copy them over to the TBC . It will be widespread duping of catastrophic proportions.

The only rational way I can see forward is character copy with heavy restrictions.


Nah just copy and move on. As its always been

Classic will have its own servers and BC will have its. Then its just player choice


It wouldn’t be a character copy, but a character transfer.

While I think his idea is sound in theory. I have to disagree with it. Just because people earned what they have. It doesn’t matter if people agree with the way they earned it, they earned it.

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Well I could add that as another item on the list.

-If you launch TBC with character transfers you will hurt the Classic servers. You force people to choose between TBC or Classic and you splinter the population more than if they use a character copy.

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Well if they transfer off to TBC… or create a new character they’re probably not going to be on Classic anyway.


I see a gold cap coming.

That’s a dangerous word. You are making assumptions about what people are going to do. Some will never play on the Classic servers again… but some would. Just like some people currently play on both retail and classic.

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Not true. When they brought the next season patch of BFA to the current raid tier, they deleted all the titan residium I had been trying to save up to buy an armor piece with.

So, there is precedent.


The only “fair” way of handling potential TBC servers are Fresh Servers, no transfers from Classic. Everyone starts off on the same footing, bots will have to level new toons which increases their chances of being detected and reported, same with boosting characters.

Not everyone who wanted classic wants to play TBC, and not everyone who wants TBC wanted to play classic. And before anyone is like “but I put all this work into characters to prepare for TBC…” if you’re looking at it like work, that’s a you issue. It’s a game, and an MMORPG at that, we need to kill this idea that it’s a race to get to the finish line and then complain about how there’s nothing to do.