Asmongold has become an andy like the rest of us.Buying a boost and becoming a member of the community again.Good on him
Nah, I’d actually respect him a little bit if he stuck to his guns and refused to buy the boost that he claims is so bad for the game
Maybe he just wants to have fun in classic.nothing wrong with that.I do see your point of view.He has mentioned since 2012 about store mounts being an issue,but he is a human-being capable of a change of heart
watching him lately was so funny to me boosting a paladin and calling it mcdonalds ret lol
then going around the world trying to find anyone leveling and not boosting lol it just shows where the community is at now
andy is my favorite kind of us
Now all the gods are truly dead.
Who knows next Payo will start using sap,cs,stop attack macros.What is the world coming too
what does this mean?
This is a naive take. I personally share asmon’s opinion on this particular issue. I think the boosts overall are a negative addition to the game. I did not want them added. However, I have no control over them actually being added. Once Blizzard has implemented them it’s pointless to not use it. Principles only exist as far as the developers choose because players will always choose the path of least resistance (generally speaking).
To simplify: I didn’t want the boosts added, but because they are and I cannot change that it is pointless to artificially handicap oneself by not using it, assuming you’re willing to pay for it ofc.
There’s nothing naive about it at all, in fact I would argue that your viewpoint is the naive one. Asmongold is a content creator with countless viewers who (incorrectly, mind you) look to him for guidance in their game. If he is willing to buy the boost that he believes is so bad for the game, he is by extension supporting the inclusion of it and directing his followers to buy it themselves. This support then tells Blizzard “hey, we like these things so feel free to add in more stuff like this!”
Valid point
I haven’t purchased a Classic WoW boost. Really I don’t see a point to it because the leveling is actually really fun. I can see why people who’re in a hurry want to skip it, but if you’re in that big a hurry I also don’t see that character being as valuable to you the player and as a result less a part of the community.
Community is the point of an MMORPG, and really without that, may as well just play a MOBA.
They guy who started the thread about getting too much Honor after pre-patched posted on a toon named “Andycloud”. Thus, the legend of Andy was born!
Ehh. Not really. People do and use things that they don’t like all the time simply because it’s the best option available to them. I don’t like using public transit, especially these last couple years, but it remains the only reasonable way I have to get to and from my place of work. I could use other methods but it would be harder for me to make those work consistently. So, despite it’s negative features, I’m taking a bus 2-3 times every day.
Using the boost is a similar idea. You don’t have to use the boost but you’re making things harder for yourself if you don’t. And even in a game about overcoming challenges it’s supposed to be challenges that the game puts out for me. Not one that someone imposes on themselves separate from that.
pretty sure I’ve seen “andy” get thrown around for a while before that thread, actually
Oh yeah? Hmmm … all the memes are hard to keep up with these days.
I appreciate that you’re willing to discuss but I still think you’re wrong. He made his view on the boosts perfectly clear and public to blizzard before they were implemented. That is as much as anyone can do. Once the thing is in the game you can’t go back. There’s no point in attempting to play a game in a principled manner when the devs do not show the same level of principle in design because at the end of the day they have 100% of the decision making power.
The support argument is a defensible position, but I’d argue that for one to hold this stance you’d have to quit the game entirely to be logically consistent considering all the crap in retail he disagrees with, etc. He’s unwilling to do this and upfront about it and I’m in a similar boat.
I’m not saying the opinion is a perfect one, and you make a couple of valid points, but it’s too idealistic to be reasonable. Again, I appreciate the willingness to discuss and if I’m totally cool with agreeing to disagree unless you think there are glaring flaws in my position. Cheers.
I feel like you’re completely missing the point. By supporting something that you believe is bad for the game you are telling the people who added it that it is an okay addition. You are actively sabotaging your own statement that this thing is bad for the game
Only if the developers have tunnel vision and are only looking at the numbers of people using the boosts and not the actual discourse around the boosts. And if they’re doing that then they’re in for a world of hurt when the community back lashes against the decisions that they make with that purposefully skewed data.