Asmongold's 17 Questions (and more)

Here are the 17 questions Asmongold wrote down after the Jailer end cinematic exactly how he said them.

  1. Why didn’t the Jailer tell them why the cosmos needed to be united?
  2. What about the red soul that hit the Arbiter? (Even though it’s Argus, but he left before this was revealed.)
  3. Why is Zovaal a robot?
  4. Are the other titans robots? (He meant the eternal ones).
  5. Why didn’t Sylvanas know about the cosmos level threats?
  6. Why did Zovaal’s life flash before his eyes, and his memory of Denathrius was condemning him, but they worked together?
  7. Why didn’t any of the other eternals try to tell us what Zovaal was trying to do?
  8. If Zovaal was working with the dreadlords, why did the dreadlords lead Sargeras into a loss when their interests seem to align?
  9. Where are the first ones?
  10. Where is Elune? She’s obviously an automaton too if the Winter Queen refers to her as her sister.
  11. Why did the Jailer not tell players what his goals are with the cosmos.
  12. How the #*$% could a raid of players beat the Jailer? With Argus, we were empowered by the other titans, but with the Jailer, we just beat him.
  13. Why is he called the Jailer if he’s the one in Jail?
  14. Why didn’t the first ones just turn him off?
  15. Why did the residents of Oribos accept the current defective Arbiter but not Zovaal?
  16. Why did they trust in the current Arbiter’s purpose but not Zovaal’s purpose?
  17. Who ruled over the maw when the Jailer was the Arbiter?

I also have a few of my own questions that I can add to that.

  1. Is the Jailer actually dead, or can he be turned back on?
  2. Why was the maw even created?
  3. Is the threat an actual entity, or perhaps just a conflict between the forces?
  4. Why was Delaryn Summermoon able to be resurrected when she had been dead for months, and the maw is “inescapable”?
  5. How did the first ones know to put a portal to Oribos in the Maw?
  6. Why was Sylvanas sent to the Maw during Edge of Night in the first place? Pre-Cata, heck pre-BFA, Sylvanas would have not be considered irredeemable.
  7. Why did she side with the force that created the Lich King in the first place?
  8. Why do we only encounter the souls of races that we’ve seen in previous expansion since everyone in the universe goes to the Shadowlands.
  9. Why does the sky close back up when Zovaal is defeated? Wasn’t it the helm of domination that broke it in the first place?

This expansion has been a roller coaster that broke and crashed, in more ways than one. More questions were brought up than were answered. If we’re going to Dragon Isles, please let us just go back to finding a new land to explore. Like Mists of Pandaria. This savior of the cosmos garbage is getting repetitive, and at this point, confusing.


It’s Argus. This was datamined a while back.

Yup, we fight their beta versions in the raid.

Denathrius was under cover working with Zovaal until 9.0 and the finale of the Revendreth leveling campaign.

They only sorta-do. Sargeras wants to kill al life. Zovaal wants to take control of the entire cosmos.

Arbiter 2.0 did not walk around with their chest-hole out. Oribosians have some degree of class. You cannot just show your chest-hole in public like that!! It is very inappropriate!!


I thought Asmongold quit WoW.

He did, but he still reacts to things that happen about the game, like the cut scenes. But, he never really played since leaving, which was why he didn’t know that Argus broke the Arbiter.


Because WoW logic is dumb.

The First Ones create beings using 3D printer technology and thus robots.

The Jailer didn’t tell her.

It’s a twist that was saved for the end of the raid.

No one knows.

Life realm.

Because le twist.

Empowered by the covenants.

He’s in charge of the jail.

They were made after the second Arbiter.

The Maw was made specifically for the Jailer.

He’s dead for good.

The Valkyr on Sylvanas side have always worked for the Jailer.


New races take time and resources to make which is a hindrance to the developers.

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My take is that Denathrius wanted to go about a more subtle way of uniting the cosmic forces with Death at the helm instead of abandoning duties and trying to beeline it to Zereth Mortis. Which is what Zovaal did by the sounds of it.


I know this, but Asmongold didn’t. He left before this fact was revealed. (I edited the original post to include this fact.)

That would explain it. I didn’t bother with the raids, so eh.

How do these work together? If the Maw was built to imprision the Jailor, how can he be in charge of it?

Understandable, but no mention? At all?

That opens up a whole can of worms. If they could see in the future they would know the jailer will betray them all.

But Summermoon should have been nothing but a soul fragment by that time.

I think what Asmon meant was the Eternal Ones and the Kyrian. They easily could have just stop delivering souls to the maw.

How does that explain the winter queen, death entity, being related to Elune, a life entity.

I just grabbed a few of these for fun, as I dont want to write a ten page paper of half conjecture.


Etenrals are Robots (a few questions rolled into one answer)

The Eternals are, and are not, robots. You know how mages can turn people into sheep? It is a bit like that. Their bodies were engineered by the Progenitors to become a manifestation of the cosmic spirit which inhabited them.

Why didn’t Sylvanas know about the cosmos level threats?

Because of one of the very few personality qualities Zovaal exhibited—He saw himself as the only adult in the room, and trusted no one fully. He suffered from a lot of self aggrandizing.

Why did Zovaal’s life flash before his eyes, and his memory of Denathrius was condemning him, but they worked together?

Likely because Denathrius is actually clever and realized he would also be locked up if he showed public support. He knew a lost cause when he saw it.

Why didn’t any of the other eternals try to tell us what Zovaal was trying to do?

A few options here. Most likely they thought Zovaal a raving lunatic and didnt take what he said seriously. Or else knew and didnt feel it was important as they had unwavering faith in The System Zovaal keeps claiming is flawed.

If Zovaal was working with the dreadlords, why did the dreadlords lead Sargeras into a loss when their interests seem to align?

I dont think anyone lead Sargeras anywhere. They might of given him the information that drove him to become the Mad Titan, but it isnt like he asked them permission to do stuff. Plus, having a giant planet sized portal open up between Azeroth and Argus was likely not part of their plans, they just had to roll with it.

Where are the first ones?

No one knows. All indications so far are that they are dead. My pet theory is they sacrificed themselves to make the cosmic spirits which became the pantheons, including the world souls of Reality.

Is the Jailer actually dead, or can he be turned back on?

It looked as if his cosmic spirit was itself torn away from his body, causing his reversion. He seemed shocked at what was happening to him. Where his spirit went, who knows? I kinda like the idea the energy stream reversed, and Azeroth ate him.

Why was Delaryn Summermoon able to be resurrected when she had been dead for months, and the maw is “inescapable”?

It seems you can summon the dead back into reality via azerothian necromancy, even from the Maw.

Why do we only encounter the souls of races that we’ve seen in previous expansion since everyone in the universe goes to the Shadowlands.

We do, they are the blurred out vague souls you see running about. The logic is your mind is unable to process them, so you just see the cosmic equivalent of a default profile picture.

Why does the sky close back up when Zovaal is defeated? Wasn’t it the helm of domination that broke it in the first place?

Yes, but apparently Zovaal was holding it open, either directly or by some mechanism in Torgast tied to him being alive. Reality was surely trying to self repair the entire time, just like it mends itself when Mages open portals.


The Jailer was left alone in the Maw, so when he broke free he took control of the place.

This is what some people see to be a problem in the narrative regarding the First Ones.

This is shown in the Kyrian campaign when a guy from Redridge’s soul is taken to the Shadowlands by the Kyrian and not prevented from going to the Maw because it’s the Kyrians duty to simply deliver souls to the Shadowlands. They could’ve stopped but their only focus has been on fulfilling their duty whether it’s flawed or not.

IIRC Elune left the Shadowlands to take up a spot in the Life pantheon instead.

Well, timing is the issue here. At the start of the expansion, as far as anyone else in the Shadowlands knew (except Zovaal’s allies) he was still confined, yet they were already calling him the Jailer even before they knew he’d escaped and taken over the place. So contextually he was already being identified as the Jailer even back when he was still chained in Torghast.


I believe it is because all the pantheons are family—They are all the children of the Progenitors. Elune and the Winter Queen’s intended roles are also mirror inverses as well. If the Winter Queen oversees the death-hibernation of recovering wild god spirits, then Elune oversees them while they are active and working to sustain the cycle of life and death.

Every Wild God on every planet. Elune must be very busy.


lol everyone replying with answers are just posting their own assumptions as if it’s factual info. What a joke.

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Perhaps this is canon given the Wildkin and Arakkoa. :owl:

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3 and 6 I feel can take a look back at the doomsayers pamphlet.
The veil between dream and dreamer slides away like skin from bone.

3 and 6 for the first list or the second list?

His questions on the first list.

What does that mean?

“He never really played since leaving” sounds like his excuse for dropping FFXIV when it was obvious that he hit a wall in Gordias that he couldn’t just get carried through


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I mean, sure, if you just ignore the explicitly written quest texts, cutscenes, and in-game events than I guess you could call it assumptions.