Asmongold's 17 Questions (and more)

It’s mentioned somewhere that originally, Torghast was the only thing in the Maw. At some point later on, an afterlife was pulled in and destroyed. Zovaal built the landmass we quest on using the pieces that remained. We can infer that the Oribos portal was originally located in that other afterlife and was never meant to be in the Maw.


The mental gymnastics in this thread… People like you is why Blizzard keeps producing garbage. You eat it up and pat them on the back for producing said garbage.

When you have more questions than answers this late into the expansion–questions from years back—you know you failed. These replies are nothing but assumptions and fanfics. “Probably” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Let me guess, you want everyone to purchase the Sylvanas novel that’s coming out this month so we can finally answer expansion-long questions?


The fact you think it takes mental gymnastics to read a quest is a condemnation on the education system.

Reading should not be so abhorent, even to something like you.


Those questions aren’t answered in a quest sweetie. If they were, nobody would be complaining about the atrocious storytelling and ending to this expansion.

You are a prime example of people that are still so attached to this game because you’ve committed your entire life to it. You can’t even accept valid criticism when you see it. Someone like you cannot have an impartial discussion here.


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Could you give a link to some of these quests on wowhead? I haven’t gone to Zerith Mortis yet. And I would be more than happy to read.

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And yet, most of the people giving answers were using quests, cutscenes, and in-game events to give their answers, baby. That questions have answers isn’t defending the story, and when you garner some reading comprehension you’ll be better able to understand simple concepts like that.

I know this is hard for you. You’re out here, trying to make claims without merit and feel so attacked by being wrong that you just need to double-down on bad takes. But you’re not going to find any evidence that the people here supplying answers to questions are doing so as a defense of the game.’

Come back harder. This soft-ball attempt at trolling is as lazy and boring.

Unless you’re hoping for a job at Blizzard, then keep at it.


All you’ve done is ramble on and on about quests and NPC dialogues without actually providing any proof. This is what people like you do though so it’s no surprise. It’s scary how many crazy followers a trash writer like Danuser has lol. You people come to his defense like your life depends on it. Keep eating this garbage up! You know what they–you are what you eat? Sad.

You never asked for any.

By “people like you”, I assume you mean people who can read. Yes, we assume others can too.

Yup, it is. But I gotta wonder how many people you assume are his fans because they defend him and how many people you assume are his fans because they can read.

Because right now, you’ve clearly got the two groups confused.

Roflmao lolololololol

Go back to school. Dropping out of grade four did not do you any favors.


The fact players previously uninterested or indifferent to the story are now asking questions about it shows how fall we’ve fallen. Regardless of how those questions are phrased, it still reflects badly on CDev. Things have boiled to a point where the bad story can’t be ignored by people used to not caring. That’s bad.


Danuser fan to the rescue!! No wonder the writing has been consistently awful. People like you are to blame. Keep patting them on the back for such an amazing expansion! lmfao

You are quickly becoming my favorite troll. A good tryhard is hard to find as it is, but finding one who also is oblivious to the obvious, to the point of embarassingly off-base accusations beyond anything a rational person would consider over the top? That’s a rarity.

I like you. We shall be friends now.


I feel like this whole thread could have been averted if Asomngold still played wow or he actually took the time to read WoWhead.


All I wanted was to the share some things. I didn’t know it would start what ever Alynsa and Bruh are doing.

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I think he’s flirting with me.

About 87.532% sure.


Did Asmongold join WoW again just to quit wow again?

I don’t really keep track of him. He annoys me, which is a talent few achieve. I feel like he has used his megaphone in a bad way usually, catering to outrage and drama to feed the YouTube algorithm.


His whole persona and fanbase can be summed up as “Misery loves company.”


Bad faith analyzation/debate tends to irk me beyond reason, and he seems to thrive on it. Probably why Ethriel and a couple others about here make me so irritable.


I wouldn’t call myself a “fan” of Asmongold. I do agree that he should do more research, but I tolerate him overall. His fanbase, however, is toxic. Besides, I do watch other YouTubers like Bellaur, Accolonn and Nobbel87. Preach is out of the picture though.

Also, who is that?

I remember when he made his WoW conspiracy theory videos. He assumed the devs had planned things out on the micro scale ten years in advance when dropping “hints”. He was assuming this as BfA was coming out.

I lost interest after that. Anyone who played through WoD should know better than to assume the WoW devs planned anything out longer than two years in advance to any real degree.