Asmongold, is he that bad of a person?

“zero posts” “First thread created on character” “Off server”

Complete sentence.


Worry about whether the cream I bought from the alchemist really is anti-aging or if it’s just another con like my auntie sells to dupes. What does it say about me if I fell for a con? Will I end up poor and wrinkly in some sketchy old goblin home? :sob:


Now i want to start a Goblin themed MLM roleplaying group.


Is Asmongold the guy from Method? Idk who any of them are because professional gaming is fake, as are the celebrities it creates.

It’s the American Idol of nerds.


This raises a real interesting question: do Goblins pull scams?

While their building is haphazard, shoddy and they cut corners everywhere they can, I’ve always thought they take a certain amount of pride in their products so that they at least do what they say it will.

Like, if you buy explosives from a Goblin, they don’t care if it looks good or about the blast radius, but you better believe those things will explode.


My weird little headcanon for Goblin characters is that they just like to maximize their amount of something or other. Most gold. Most fans. Most kaboom.

That suggests that Goblins choose their focus early on, and even if they do a good job at it there’s got to come a point where some get into woulda-coulda-shoulda about those paths not taken.

Alternatively, diminishing returns. You’ll never feel a rush like your first controlled(?) demolition ever again.


I know of at least one who does, Beezil (the goblin that hangs out with Fiona). There’s a quest in WoD where, at the end, he’s preparing to sell ‘adder oil’ to the local draenei as some kind of hoof cream.

This is the weirdest bait ever.


Right? That weird moment in a thread where you have no idea what the purpose even was.

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Yeah I can’t really tell who he was trying to upset.

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Waxie Pickband waited patiently, her green skin nice and shiny from the triple processed threshadon oil Pickle had gotten her during their most recent foray to the exotic date spot on a hill overlooking a mining excavation just a turn and a tugboat twist northwest of Ratchet, smiling with beaming enthusiasm as the orcish gentleman picked up a gyrating and pulsing tool that extended back and forth from a nearby display.

_ “That’s the pusher. Guaranteed to reach out and hit a button or press a switch you ain’t sure you wanna be too near honey. That’s a real swell choice.”_

He held the device. “Powered by Azerite? Could I throw it and it would explode.”

Waxie tittered nasally doing her best to show her enjoyment and make the orc think she was the rube and not him. “Nah honey, we have other things for that. As for Azerite? You don’t want that in your everyday press devices. It makes things too expensive and ya know, no one can really tell ya what it does so most of the things it gets put into are mystery devices anyway.”

“Why would I need a… button presser?” He asked, looking more and more stupified with every passing second.

“Well maybe you find something and you need to press a button, or flip a switch, or just reach out and touch it and see if it’s dead but you have a cousin named Slimmy who only has two fingers left because he doesn’t have one? Like I said a real smart buy. Shall I take it to the front and wrap it for the discerning gentleorc?”

_“No.” He tossed it casually and her smile began to droop as he turned around without a backward glance and left the small shop. _

As the door opened and shut a ‘ahhh, for the horde…’ sounded out in what sounded particularly close to the Warchief Sylvanas’ if she were any type of girly. Really the voice actress had done her best but when she was asked to voice the warchief but make it, ya know, sultry, she had fallen short. Who could blame her really? Who knew what that sounded like anyway. Nathanos maybe…

Waxie was drawn from her thoughts as she turned around and Speckle Bottomliner was standing behind her. The boss, the big cheese of “Buttons, Blood, and Beyond!”

“You hafta be more invitin’ doll. You’re never gonna make sales this month if you don’t keep it up and then I’mma have to let you go no matter how good you are wit-.”

Waxie cut him off. The brilliant fireworks of anger having been lit since half passed the green gus had walked in earlier and he had ignored her twice and had used some of the products intended for armament dismantle as a backscratcher. “CAN IT BOTTOMLINER. I QUIT. YOU CAN TAKE THIS JOB AND THROW IT INTO A COMPACTOR USED FOR REFUSE, FAILED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES, AND GNOMISH ENGINEERING SCHEMATICS.” She sneered even as his jaw dropped and hmphed as she pushed passed him.

“Aaahhhh, for the hor-hor-hor-hordddddeerrddddderer.” In a final act of whimsy and defiance she jerked the door back and forth from open to close several times until the small chime actually got stuck in a weird voice loop.

“I used to be a friggin’ zeppelin mechanic!” She cursed. “Hmph.”


Twitch streamers is like the 2019 version of webcomics about gamers. Sure, whatever there might be like one or two decent ones but the rest are just copycats copying the same obnoxious personalities also I might just be old but I really do hate gamer webcomics and this just feels like another flavor of gamers sitting on a couch making mediocre jokes about games.

The only streamers I watch are a few IRL friends because it’s honestly just like three or four of us and we all know each other so it’s a little fun to just hang out and chit chat.


I am picturing this thread like room full of different people at a cocktail party or something, and periodically Enekie walks through in a white lab coat thinking out loud about goblins.


Change the setting to a grungy sports bar next to a yoga studio with a shared patio out front and that’s basically the WrA forums.


That was my thought. Ponzi schemes seem right up a goblin’s alley. Especially the whole “#bossbabe” shtick.

some game streamers are good wholesome fun, some are not

this person is not


Tag yourself, WRA.


Ya I don’t come to the forums very often. Decided to give it a shot today.

You know those people who just sort of instantly ruin a party’s vibe the moment they walk through the door?


stands around in expensive yoga pants loudly complaining about politics and the scruffy people next door, never actually does any yoga