Asmongold, is he that bad of a person?

Got banned from Asmongold’s twitch chat for saying the word “Naggers” in response to a discussion about “people who annoy you”. This seems reasonable enough. How come people give Asmongold crap for being “toxic” or whatever?

P.S. If you read this Asmongold, hit me up with a WoW Token, I’m very interested in getting back into this game because of the stream!

Streamer culture isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

I’m skeptical that Asmongold reads the realm forums of Wyrmrest Accord.

Though, to be honest, I thought he quit WoW for Dark Souls, or something.

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Who is this?

some really miserable guy that, because my friend linked me a video once, haunted my suggested videos on youtube for like 3+ weeks

i get the impression he’s putting on an act of a chad-of-nerds but i also don’t think it’s that much of an act to put on


plz leave our secret clubhouse


Is this like the version of The Crow where the guy who was The Crow would make alts and keep spamming us with topics saying “WHO IS THE CROW” except instead of The Crow it’s Asmoncrow


I don’t normally watch his videos, but on a whim, I watched one. In it, he started talking about a friend he had in Cataclysm.

He and this friend used to run PUGs for the troll dungeons in Cata, and then kick people just before they could qualify for getting the mount.

When thinking back on this, he still considered this really funny.

That sounds like a jerk to me.


Asmon’s pretty much the personification of Mythic Players in the LFG queues.

Very, very good at what they do but they don’t like ‘casuals’ to get shinies and will work very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Or to TL:DR even harder, excellent player, terrible person.


The only bit of his content that i have ever watched was a video where somebody had donated 1,000 dollars to him to clean his room on stream.

Watching that pretty much solidified my view of him.


I can’t imagine watching someone else play WoW. It’s already not that fun to begin with.

Now someone roleplaying in WoW, say as a goblin with a midlife crisis? That, I’d watch.


I guess my reaction is somewhat mitigated by the fact that, if a YouTube or Twitch personality doesn’t actually, literally, unironically believe in white genocide, they’re already doing better than a lot of their peers.


This is why i just don’t care anymore.

It’s definitely not for everyone and, to be fair, there’s a pretty wide spectrum of streamers. I think, in general, it’s less about the game and more about the personality &/or their community.

The only WoW streamer I watch is Hazel and and one of her weekly streams is basically just running old content for mounts-- but it’s fun to watch because she comes across as a genuinely good person and has funny stories to tell.


Twitch has basically replaced television for me.

I like to watch Speedrunning content and old retro content. One of the streamers i really enjoy watching basically just does old chinese/japanese/korean dos games.

Isn’t he also the Project 60 guy who invaded MG with a bunch of fanboys?


A very small minority of them are like that. A lot of outrageous, rude personalities exist. Some exaggerated, some not. But most of them aren’t like that and even the worst of the worst don’t often go that far. Even still it’s super easy to find good content creators that aren’t terrible, so you really don’t need to watch them at all when there’s a wealth of content out there on either platform.

Hazelnuttygames, she does good content. Doesn’t do filler to get those mid-roll ads so I don’t mind watching with adblock off.

Now, onto the actual topic. Asmongold is a pretty notorious troll and rude himself I know he takes care of, or took care of his ailing mother, but his online persona is very edgelord worthy. There’s a divide there, because his personality is exaggerated, but only to an extent. So at times he’s really being terrible, and other times he’s playing a character. I don’t much care for his content myself.

Him and a few others, yeah.

Speedrunning is so cool. Honestly makes me wish I was that skilled at exploiting (Or not exploiting if you’re a purist) games.


I watch so much speedrunning that sometimes when i’m playing a game casual i’ll use something i saw in a speed run without thinking.

Like using teleport in earthbound to speed through swamps that slow you down.

Or the dark souls 3 dagger dash ability to speed through the poison swamp.

But if you were a goblin with a midlife crisis, what would you have? Social pressure over not accumulating enough gold? Agony over your choices to join the Horde?


Wait so you got banned for a 15 year old racist South Park joke rehash… and then what? I’m confused about what your post is regarding after that first bit.

You got banned, but the guy who banned you is cool you think, and then you asked him for 20 bucks. I have to assume this thread is like… a joke. Right?