Asking post: Extension of the Mage Tower

Sing here please.


Extend it in perpetuity.

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Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine…


Petitions are frowned upon and it’s already been extended for four weeks. It’s best to ask for it to be added as a generic part of Timewalking, available every single Timewalking week.

100000% agree


Even better, make it permanent and iterate on it offering different rewards and challenges as time goes by

should be up permanently. Persistent world!




I agree . Would like to have every week timewalking :blush:

Nah my voice sucks for singing.

So long as that is treated as a trial of style/vicious saddle sort of system. Leave the old stuff on there but just add more. If you fall behind you just have to do more work but you won’t entirely miss out on what had existed.


I got all the sets that I want, and the book, so they can go ahead and turn it off.

Please remove mage tower tomorrow

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I’d prefer if it was closed. I’m tired of hearing about how players have wiped 10 thousand times and want it nerfed to the ground. Rather it close so we can have some peace and give those poor souls a rest.

Petitions are against the terms of the forums. You may find your post removed, I’d suggest you just turn it into yet another ‘asking’ post about the MT.

Petition posts are frowned upon.

These are discussion forums and, as such, we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

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Honestly of its not permanent i wont even be logging in for anything besides raid nights.

It’s ptobably pretty popular right now, so taking it away wouldnt be the best move.


i don’t think an extension is the right answer but something needs to be done about this. like it’s insane that you can only try for 2 weeks per year. i think it coming back every tw week is probably the best solution

I have to agree with you, during this prolonged content drought, I’m literally just Raiding, doing Vault runs in M+ then logging out…

Atleast with Mage Tower it’s content to do, it gives players atleast something different to do, either extend it to 9.2, make it permanent or make Timewalking weekly, but it’s content atleast.

I’ve only gotten MT Timewalking on 3 classes, if it was up longer I’d atleast try get it on Alts… but I just made sure to get it on Warlock and Shaman my two mains, Guardian for the form, I’d like to try Paladin, Priest and Mage aswell.

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It’s popular because of the fear of missing out. I kinda think they should add more for other time walking. Bring back challenge mode reskins.

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MT is a waste of time how it currently stands.