Asked a GM if the Elite Aspirant set is obtainable this season, was told they "can't give out game hints." What?

I have seen item comments numerous times that reported Ticket information on whether things are still obtainable, so I figured this sort of question was equitable.

Now, I love the look of the Horde Elite Aspirant sets this season. The thing is, the Elite versions of last season’s Aspirant sets were not obtainable to my knowledge. Wowhead alleges that the S2 versions are, but the armor is not included in the Appearances tab at all, which worries me.

WoWhead is a fansite. They regularly datamine incorrect information when changes occur in between the PTR and release. It has happened numerous times that items reported obtainable in the PTR do not make it to live.

Since it is possible that this set is only obtainable for a limited time if at all, I wanted to confirm its presence ingame. Especially considering the fact that I want to powerlevel a Warlock if it is. I may not be good enough to climb the Rated ladder, but I might still be able to get real Blight-colored canisters if I can get this set through the War Chest.

Here is what happened:

Hello. I have a question about this season’s PvP sets that I have been unable to find the answer to.

There is an Elite/Mythic version of the Warfront set, and of the Gladiator set. I know those are available and how to get them. But what about the Elite/Mythic version of the Aspirant set? Is it obtainable? How? I don’t see it listed in the Appearances tab.

I have heard speculation that it is available as a random drop at the end of Rated matches and through the PvP War Chest, but do I have to do Rated matches to allow it to drop from the chest? I am terrible at PvP and do not wish to hurt other people’s matches unless absolutely necessary.

With a response of:

Hey there _______,

This is Game Master _________. Even though we’re unable to provide game hints and what have you, I can get you pointed in the right direction. Wowhead actually has a decent guide on this very topic so let me get you that link:

Sure you can look through the article to make sure it’s the desired appearance that you are looking for, but the section that was linked will give you the general details on where the sources are for the various types of armor.

Hope that helps and best of luck obtaining the gear.

Since when is this classified information? If I asked where the purple version of the T23 Leather set was obtained, I would be told. If I asked where the Elite Warfront set comes from, I would be told, even though the set has erroneously not been included in the Set tab. How could Blizzard deem us unworthy of knowing how to obtain a limited time set?

This GM did not even tell me if the set is really ingame or not.

The inner workings of weekly chests is not a secret either. Everyone knows that to get better gear from the PVE chest, you need to push higher keys. But what about the War Chest? Its barrier to entry is higher. Does that mean everyone gets the same pool of rewards as long as they meet the weekly Conquest requirement? I have no clue.

What’s the deal? Can anyone answer my question?

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That would be a game hint. Wowhead would likely be your best source for information on it.


Generally speaking, Enived, you would not have. Game Information, such as where something drops, the drop rate, how to obtain X, how something works, etc… are all considered game hints and not something that our Support staff is generally able to provide.

That isn’t to say that a Game Master hasn’t provided such information, but doing so isn’t common and can erroneously give the impression that players can contact CS for game specific information, and thus discouraged.

Unless the information comes directly from our Developers, it isn’t something that our staff are usually able to provide. Information about the game, game content, direction on how to do something, etc… is best sourced from your fellow players. That is part and parcel of playing an MMORPG. Sorry.

If an item is or is not obtainable is generally listed in patch notes, and therefore something a Game Master may be able to reference.


As confusing as it seems, item sources, acquisition methods, and drop rates are very much in the realm of “game hints” so off-limits by policy for GMs.

Third-party sites aren’t bound by this policy, and often derive info by datamining client-side game data files, so very often they can answer questions about the existence and acquisition of loot. And, once the community develops some experience with a particular item, share that as well.


In addition, some information is also gleaned from PTR and Beta testing.


The source of info for such sites is other players.

Players find such info by playing the game, discovering things themselves, gathering large amounts of data from many other players, etc. They then post their findings on sites such as WoWhead, and others.

GM’s cannot give out game hints, so they refer you to “other players” (web sites and such).


I think we’re in agreement, then. (I’m not the OP.)

The weekly war chest ilevel is based upon your rating. 1400 rating will push you to 395 I believe it is, and 1600 is 405. Just to solve little mystery for you.

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Two things. First off:

You didn’t just ask if it was obtainable, you asked ‘how’. Thus game hint.

When? When has this occurred that it hasn’t been correct at the time, or been corrected when the information became apocryphal? They might make mistakes, just like anyone, but they are indeed reliable.