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Why is there a hole in the jailer’s chest?


Could be a little late to the party but:

  1. Why do the story get soo simplistic?
  2. Can we have some Better stories that are also being told in a better manner?
  3. Can we PLEASE get some skips on the LONG LONG LONG RPs in the quests?
  4. Why make us grind more of everything? Please stop the grind. It is in a better place than it was with the AP in the last 2 xps but all the anima… and the Maw… can we get some other way to acquire the soul ash ? a daily quest maybe ?
  5. Fix Prot Warriors?
  6. Fix the covenants powers so they are not limiting/benefiting 1 class more than others.
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Hi WoW Development Team!

I want to ask the question that has been a majorly popular topic of discussion for quite some time:

Are additional customization options in the process of development for allied races, and if so, when - approximately - can we expect them?

• Nightborne could really use additional customization like new skin colors, young faces, facial hair, and hairstyles.

• Void elves need more hairstyles and some hair colors like white, blonde and black.

And both races should have the same ear customization options that their main race counterparts have!

Thank you for your time!


Easy question, will we be seeing any new races?, theirs still a lot of highly requested races some spanning over years.

I.E: Tuskarr, Sethrak, Vyrkul, San’layn, Ogres.

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rocket > sandstone drake (also most people asking this question already have it)

Same reason the Arbiter has a glowing orb in her chest… They are the same character just split into two parts.

patch 9.4 you help the reunion of Arbiter and Jailer to make the death titan and Runecarver also gets his memory back and is now called the Primus of Maldraxxas.

Hi WoW Dev Team!
First thanks for all your hard work, I have played this game since release and enjoy many hours of it still today.

I understand that many different types of players are a part of this community and that you work hard to make this game for all of them. Balancing this juggling act is not an easy feat I’m sure. Casual players or players who do not wish to play the game at a higher competing level really are left behind in a lot of ways, yet they log in daily, pay the same sub fee they do and are honestly probably a majority of players of the game. The game however is tuned to the highest level players, the elite few who chase the highest M+ keys or Mythic raid.

My question is when does the little guy (who is the majority of the player base) not get punished or pushed behind because they don’t play at the highest level of the game?

I understand balancing this is key, the go -getters don’t hesitate to go and get but as a player who doesn’t have the time to live in WoW (yet I play daily), I still want to see my characters be the very best they can and not look scrub cause I can’t do the highest level of content.

By the way, the catch up for renown was awesome on my alts, thank you for that.

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Any chance that we could get dwarf druids? (Not too far a stretch with Wildhammer druids in the rpg)

Any chance to make Paragon reward purchasable for past expansions(Lock behind certain/huge amount of reputation)? While keep the current RNG system for Paragon supplies in place.

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I wanted to know if you guys will do anything about the websites selling boosting services such as and and so on. These services want real money for boosting toons. It is ruining the game and they have had websites up and running selling these services for years. Yet, nothing has been done to take care of these issues. What does blizzard as a company plan to do to fix this?

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Are you considering WoW 2? Would you consider creating WoW 2?

What evil(s) did Blanchey do to be sent to Revendreth?


Speak for yourself, melee survival is my favorite spec

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Will development be working on ways to further enhance rewards across the board for time/effort spent so players see less of entire weeks going by of running quests/callings and getting no upgrades, far too little anima considering how many things it’s needed for, and being limited in the maw via Eye of the Jailor so they can not advance things there either. In short, far too little reward for time spent leaving players demoralized and feeling like they’re working a hard full time job for waitress pay and the game keeps all their tips.

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Will TBC follow the same strictness of “no changes” that Classic followed even to its own detriment?

The world buff meta has arguably been the worst aspect of Classic, leading to players frequently leaving their mains untouched between raids just to preserve buffs rather than playing their characters.

TBC stands to have a similar unhealthy meta revolving Drums of War, and many players are hoping that some change will be made to their functionality so that competitive 25-player raiding guilds don’t have to have all 25 players pick up Leatherworking to remain competitive.

Are there any plans or discussions ongoing to address this potential issue?

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Are there any plans going into TBC Classic to address the economy? Every server is currently plagued by an insane amount of inflation due to the last year-and-a-half of bots running rampant, boosting, etc. that never took place to such an extent in the original WoW. This is a large concern of a large portion of the player base that are hoping to not see basic trade goods like cloth, leather, and ore selling for four figure prices in the opening month of the expansion.


Will you be making adjustments to the valor point system so they can stand on the same feet as the pvp conquest system? As it stands, pvp is still the superior choice for anyone currently trying to gear because conq gear is 6 ilvls higher than valor gear

I know someone whose question won’t be answered, not because of it being hard, but because of their complete lack of manners.

Did you anticipate that people would feel like we have reached the end of the expansion before the first major patch of the game?

Also, do you intend to address the miles-long leash on NPCs in the Shadowlands?

Do you realize how far the flight points are from one another and how that distance, coupled with the number of mobs that you wade through coupled with the aforementioned leash problems makes doing world quests a multi-hour endeavor especially on multiple toons.

Edit: While it’s pleasant to be rescued by the Kyrian when one stumbles and fall off a cliff in Bastion–why aren’t the Stone Born or any other Covenants doing the same for the people who fall from a cliff on the edge of the world?

What is you Plan for addressing the toxicity and harassment of the community as far as loot drops?

I ran Lfr on my resto shawman the other day trying to get weapon tokens for my offspec. When one did drop I got whispers after whispers of people asking for the loot. When I refused to give it up the name calling and cussing began. Yes I reported them but when I not only have to fight bosses to get loot as well as defend myself from other players to keep the loot, just doesnt seem much fun.