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do you guys plan on making gearing easier i find gearing alts to be quite frustrating
because i feel its takes way to long to be effective because of all the systems in the game at the moment i found myself playing alot more when i could go frm character to character gear quick and have fun

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Can you folks please look into adding Guild Halls to the game much like garrisons were in WOD. I think that would be really sweet and cause the Guilds to have more teamwork and create a better sense of community.

One of the things that has seemed to change over the years was the loss of community, with LFG and LFR tools implemented and linked servers. Have you ever considered adding servers that had current content but no LFG tools and no cross server functionality (Some of these PVP servers) to allow players the ability to play in a smaller sandbox that gives a sense of community back to the players?

As an older player I often feel bad for newer players who never got to experience this, to me it was one of the biggest draws of the game with guild and player rivalries and one aspect of the game that I think many players miss.

Is there any possibility of bringing layering to retail WoW as a replacement for sharding? It seems to be the all around better system and I find it strange that classic utilizes it so well and yet retail is still using old tech.

Can we please get a /deaths counter in Classic for people enjoying the 1-life hardcore challenge?


Blizzcon '08 mount/pet came out in this expansion. Will those of us that had it have a means of getting it again in classic? I need me some big blizzard bear.

If it’s a 2person flyer you’re after, try the sandstone drake.

EDIT : My bad I didn’t see


  • Beast Mastery
    • Dire Command now has a 35% chance to trigger (was 20%).
    • Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs critical damage increased to 40% (was 20%).
    • Flamewaker’s Cobra Sting now has a 50% chance to trigger (was 25%).
    • Qa’pla, Eredun War Order now resets the cooldown of Kill Command (was reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds) and has an additional passive effect – Barbed Shot deals 10% increased damage.

Thanks ! that’s should definitively improve the spec

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Can we remove the 10 dungeons per hour limit at least for holiday dungeons?

When are Death Knights gonna be fixed?
In an expansion about DEATH, given we are right next to The Maw and Maldraxxus, the sources of our power, you’d think we’d be pretty decent this expansion, so why are we so underwhelming, dare I say, disappointing even?

Can we finally have a Frostmourne Transmog? Please?

Maw Legendary Transmog When? And when are we getting the other tints? Will they be from the upcoming Torghast raid?

Could we get the updated Gorehowl and a fresh Shadowmourne Transmog?

When are you going to fix the transmog for the Wrathful Gladiator Dreadplate boots? They CLEARLY are not meant to be the proper Death Knight set ones currently.

MoP and WoD Legendary questlines. Are you ever going to reintegrate these into the game? Or are they just Non-Canon now?

Legion had a lot of appeal, achievements, and aesthetics (feral druid forms! Class mounts! Amazing weapons!) that have players returning to Legion over and over again to conquer and earn them. Do you have plans to include things in Shadowlands that will have similar draw/appeal?

Adding to that, Mage Tower Druid forms have been a hot topic around the forums because we have no other way to alter our shapeshifted appearance since Legion. Please don’t give us those time locked appearances—those players earned them—but are there plans to offer additional appearances through achievements or accomplishments in Shadowlands?


@Devs i have a couple questions on the storyline

  1. Why are you destroying Sylvanas and making her the villian?
    I get she has always been moraly grey , but everything she has done from day one plays more like chess; strategic moves to accomplish a goal that is known by players. now it seems this whole storyline is cryptic and out of character.

  2. Why have Sylvanas abandon the forsaken when she has always been dedicated to them? Based on her history and story she has always been dedicated to them and worked so hard to try and save her people, the forsaken. - very out of character

  3. What is the direction you are going with Sylvanas? Are you going to redeem her and show at least clues to why she is doing this and what her end goal is?


Why not have items earned through world quests be equal in item level to the items a character already has, but with different secondary stats. Receiving an item with the secondaries you desire feels rewarding, but players would not feel obligated to do these quests if they already had the secondaries on their gear they wanted.

Would you please take party sync out of bgs GOODNESS

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Any chance of an original Warcraft game any time soon? WoW is almost old enough to vote.

Will there ever be another frost mage buff?

Can we get a redesign to twisting corridors to make it more like an endless corridor? think like Tetris where it just gets harder and harder per level, but do like 3 floors then a boss per every three floors. do rewards like pets, transmog, past mounts that no longer exist, loot (but if you do loot, first boss should give you an item that lets you retain loot earned in the endless twisting corridor. could be more mobs per floor, stronger mobs per floor, combination of them. make it interesting before getting smashed to pieces, lol.

Are there any plans to bring back something like the Mage’s Tower to earn unique appearances and such as a new Grizzlemaw skin?


Why can’t Survival Hunters Dual Wield when THE Melee Hunter, Rexxar, can?

Also what are your plans for the spec? Survival in Legion was the most fun I had playing the game, bar none. Revolving the class around Mongoose Bite (Mastery, Artifact Ability, a talent row dedicated to it) was satisfying to see, with you building up to those HUGE numbers once fully stacked in the last few seconds. As of right now, Survival is the forgotten child of damage specs. Super tiny player base with little to no foreseeable changes coming it’s way. Bring some love to the spec!

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When will player Forsaken get an upright posture option? There are Forsaken guards in Dazar’alor that stand upright and so do all of the undead in modern wow cinematics.