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Is there any possibility of adding a separate Mist of Pandaria server in future ??

When is the Alliance going to get their fist pumping moment and when will you hire a dev who is as proudly Alliance as the rest of you are horde? Anytime thereā€™s a new person hired in any authority, they all tweet FOR THE HORDE or LOKTAR!
At best, we get For Azeroth or both horde and Alliance but NEVER a pro-Alliance dev.

Are there any plans to implement more class or role-based challenges similar to Legionā€™s mage tower? If so, will they be time-limited?

Also, if I can sneak a more generalized question in, what are your thoughts on class-specific lore and storylines? One of my favorite parts about Legion was the fact that each class had its own unique storyline via order halls, making leveling alts much more interesting. Any chance we may see something like this in the future?

Why donā€™t we have doors in wow?

Hi, Referring to WoW Classic moving into The Burning Crusade -
Are you planning to bring in some quality of life changes that may have been in development at the time, but werenā€™t ready for TBC at the timeā€¦a couple to mention are Dual Specializations, and Enchanting Vellums - both of which were brought in at the beginning of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, but were known to be VERY wanted by the player base at the time.

I play a Shaman in WoW Classic, and the amount of gold i have spent changing talents is probably in the thousands, being required to be a healer for the guild but also wanting to PVP as DPS, or maybe even go and grind out some goldā€¦while costing gold alreadyā€¦really makes it a harder grind - and if i remember correctly back in TBC we had a shortage of healers and tanks because of that reason alone, we already collect a second set of gear, but able to use that gear on a regular basis becomes very frustrating when it costs 50g to switch specs and then another 50g to go back to the raid specā€¦it doesnt allow any kind of differing gameplay at all

and with the enchanting vellums? it becomes tedious when trying to find enchants, spamming trade chat that is already full of chatterā€¦and finding someone to buy your enchants at the moment you are online, while other professions can readily just make a dozen or so and throw them on the auctions houseā€¦i feel like these were a long time coming but were delayed because of timetables trying to release the expansion

is that something we can look forward to in TBC?

Volume 3 of the chronicles left off with Cataclysm. Thereā€™s been 5 expansions full of lore that have come out since then. Will volume 4 be coming out soon? (Please say yes)

Also, will the players who were absent for the Battle of Azeroth expansion ever be able to experience the Battle for Lordaeron scenario? I feel like I really missed out on that one. :frowning:

Do you see any new battlegrounds, return of retired battle grounds, or changes to current ones that may have balance issues, specifically to Wintergrasp?

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Could we see facial hair for Night borne males and trolls?

Battlegrounds is method of gearing more than ever. Are there any plans to adjust battlegrounds and/or rated battlegrounds match making process to prevent significant ilvl gap disparities?

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Itā€™s been promised since the launch of WoW and still nothing. Where is player housing on the itinerary list? It is well past due that we have a ā€œtrueā€ housing system. WoW is a large game no doubt, but the revenue wow makes can more than cover the cost of bringing it in and it would a boon that would out last any one expansion.


Any chance of a ā€˜neutral guild optionā€™, where the guild master would be able to allow both factions into the guild for PvE content? The faction war is pretty pointless right now to many people, and it can be kept up for those who love it, but can others please have the option to play with the other faction?


Could other races get flowers in their hair to?

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Do you have any plans on bringing the old world (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms) into end-game in the retail version of the game. Perhaps some wqā€™s or pvp events?

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Any future plans to add the Azshara Crater as a Battleground?

Has any thought been given to allowing Starter accounts to access mail from Blizzard via the in-game mailboxes? So that quest items are not lost along the way.


WOW classic:
ā€œWhy is Account to account transfer, appearance change, race change not in the game? There are many people with genuine demand for those service. Is there a technical or gameplay limitation? Donā€™t you want more revenue?ā€

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For each member of the panel, a quick answer: Horde or Alliance?

For any member of the panel: What was one of the biggest surprises you werenā€™t expecting (good or bad) and how has it changed what you guys are working on?


Given that Horde and Alliance lore characters seem to be working together in the Shadowlands and we rescue each other from Torghast etc., why is faction tagging in the open world in the Shadowlands a thing? It seems counterintuitive to me that we cannot work together in e. g. slaying some anima greedy vampires in Revendreth because weā€™re supposed to be enemies while lore characters work together just fine. Getting rid of faction tagging (with warmode off) would also weaken the annoyance of being on a Horde/Alliance majority server where it can take forever to finish world quests when youā€™re part of the minority faction due to the other faction tagging all mobs. Is there a reason we still have faction tagging other than we might get used to not having it and itā€™d feel worse than now in following expansions if it got implemented again if it got removed in SL?

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You ever see a Tauren stalk a python?

Whoā€™s making the decisions on the fate of what happens to Anduin and Sylvanas? Is it something you were hoping the WoW community could make or did you have something already written and the developers are just waiting for the right time to release it?

Iā€™ve been pondering it for a long time. I have a few predictions or at least Iā€™ve asked myself what I would do if I were in her shoes.

  1. The Bad. She stabs Anduin through heart but apologies that there is no justice in this world, but hopefully he will understand there vision.
    While in pain, Anduin tells her that she can never turn back now.
    She says, ā€œI know.ā€ and pulls out the blade letting him bleed a sha like mist on the ground. She drops the blade near him, it clanks loudly on the floor, finally resting on the ground, and Anduinā€™s darker armored hand picks it up.

  2. The Good. Sylvanas engages him combat and tells him to die with some honor. The two fight, Sylvanas having almost complete control, slashing at him several times but giving up one opening, letting Anduin stab her in the leg. Once he seeā€™s her grab her leg she winks at him. Anduin realizes and runs out of the tower, but not before firing off a few arrows that remove his shoulder armor.

  3. The Middle Ground. Confide with Anduin and share some of the concerns that her confidence in the Jailer is wavering. If he can play the part of evil puppet slave they can find a weak point in the Jailers armor.

One another question; any hints about the Lightforge possibly invading in a patch or the next expansion?