Any chance we can transmog fishing poles to look like other fishing poles? There’s a ton of great looking ones that experienced fisherfolk will never use, because they’ve got ones with better bonuses.
With the new customizations, are human NPCS in-game going to change ethnicity? I need to prepare for a shock if Anduin is suddenly an Asian dude now.
In 15 years, you’ve only added 3 classes (way less than any other MMO I can think of), and they were all melee. Why are there no new classes for Shadowlands?
We never got new engineering goggle graphics in BfA (the BfA goggles recycled older models). These are one of the few guaranteed rewards for engineers every expansion – are there goggle graphics that were created but just not implemented for some reason? And can we get new graphics for goggles in Shadowlands, please?
Will we be getting pvp vendors? If not, what will be the main source of gearing be? Will there be a more divided line between pvp and pve gearing methods?
I never get picked for these things, here it goes anyway.
How does Anima relate to the Old Gods and the Curse of Flesh?
I like these hats.
I wanted these hats as cosmetic loot drops from Freehold or Zem’Lan from BFA.
When are we going to see these hats drop as items that players can add to their cosmetics collection for Transmogrification?
Are you brining back Tier Gear?
The new party sync feature has been great with allowing players to sync with lower level friends and play together in old zones and dungeons. I am a player who enjoys going back and doing old zones and dungeons, is there any way that this technology can be adapted so a player can solo sync with a zone or que for say a classic dungeon with out the need to be in a party with a low level player?
I really need to know you’ve made progress on the “stuck in combat” bug that has been plaguing the game for years, and most notably recently in Mechagon. I am really curious to know what the problem is programmatically.
Are we going to be seeing more sexy armor transmogs?
I was playing hearthstone on my mobile phone and was thinking how fun it would be to be able to pet battle on the go as well soooo I guess my question is why isn’t there a pet battle app for my android yet! haha cheers!
Will there be a mission table, and if so, will it resemble the one in BfA, Legion, or something new?
What gold grinding activity do you envision for those of us who are not interested in herbalism?
I thought the cut-off was at 2 am. Anyway, just in case:
Why has the Bough Shadow Emerald Dream portal in Ashenvale never been active/available from the Dreamway? I’ve had people suggest it’s because it’s too close to Orgrimmar, but Twilight Grove isn’t that far from Stormwind.
For several years players have asked for vanilla World of Warcraft and we’re told no and even suggested that they didn’t know what they wanted. With Classic’s release, it’s been shown the people who wanted it did in fact know what they wanted. In fact, it’s been mentioned a few times now that inspiration for retail is being taken from classic wow and such locations like “The Maw” in Shadowlands was mentioned to have design choices inspired by Classic WoW.
So when will those asking for proper player housing be heard and taken seriously?
Following Druid’s receiving a 4th spec to make guardian tanking separate from the feral spec, are there any plans to introduce more 4th specs into the game? One popular request being a tank spec for Shaman as Enhance used to have many talents and abilities allowing Shaman to tank in Vanilla?
Have the team considered adding more specs to classes in the game? Or is balancing hard enough as it is to bother justifying the dev cost?
I know this is after Nov. 1.
You mentioned there was a lot of RNG in the game. Are you planning on taking out all of the Titanforge and Warforge capabilities on items? There are plenty of ways to gear up and that’s great however, that feeling your items just isn’t the best knowing that it could of titanforged or warforged or even socketed feels bad.
So now we have the Forge of Domination where Frostmourne was created, and we’re going to meet the one who made it. Seems like a good opportunity to make up for Blades of the Fallen Prince with the real deal. What’s it going to take to get a DK transmog option for it?
What level will Demon Hunters and Death Knights start after the level squish?